Home » today » Health » Attention to the dosage of ‘vitamin D’ can cause irreparable damage to health, few know it and experts say it

Attention to the dosage of ‘vitamin D’ can cause irreparable damage to health, few know it and experts say it

Vitamin D is a micronutrient that helps the body absorb calcium. In fact, its deficiency can cause bone diseases.

Vitamins, therefore, are substances that our body needs to grow, develop and perform all its functions correctly.


The body produces them automatically. Sometimes, however, supplements are needed. New research, however, reports the medical findings of excess vitamin D. In fact, the study documents the story of a 50-year-old person who overdosed this vitamin. The researchers showed that the negative effects were present even after the egg had stopped feeding. Let’s go in order and see what happens if you take too much vitamin D.

Excess vitamin D can cause serious health risks, and few know this, experts say

In a previous article we saw what happens in case of vitamin D deficiency, a risk not to be underestimated. In this, however, we will see what an overdose of this vitamin entails.

A new study published in the journal BMJ Case Reports (15 (2022): e250553) provides an example of what can happen if a person takes too much vitamin D with the help of supplements.

The researchers looked at the results of tests and medical examinations of a patient who was sent to the hospital by the general practitioner. He complained of tinnitus, increased thirst, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss, dry mouth.

The patient had experienced these complaints for almost 3 months before contacting their doctor. In fact, the first symptoms appeared about a month after starting vitamin therapy on the advice of a private nutritionist.

In addition, the patient was taking other supplements in addition to vitamin D. These included: omega 3; vitamins B2, B6, B9 and C; selenium, zinc picolinate.

The results

From the first blood test performed after admission, the patient had vitamin D levels of over 400 nmol / L, which is 8 times the recommended amount. In fact, the National Institutes of Health recommends taking 15 mcg per day – equivalent to 600UI.

Among other things, the man suffered from various medical problems, including chronic rhinosinusitis, bovine spinal tuberculosis, bactericomeningitis.

According to some doctors, not involved in the study, there would be a misunderstanding about the intake of vitamin D. In fact, it is thought that the more you take the better. In reality, this is not entirely true because the effects of overdosing this vitamin would cause more damage to the body. Damage, which, as the study shows, could continue even after you stop taking supplements.

In short, high doses of vitamin D would not bring benefits, but greater risks of falls and fractures, as many studies have shown.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies published in medical journals. Therefore, it does not replace the consultation of a doctor or specialist, and should not be considered for formulating treatments or diagnoses)

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