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Attention, this Friday, September 13, 2024 will be very intense for the signs of the zodiac

According to Astrology, Friday, September 13, 2024 promises to be a day full of twists and turns, especially for certain astrological signs. Here’s what the zodiac can expect for the most intense day of the year.

• Also read: The September New Moon offers us the chance to start fresh

• Also read: Virgo season doesn’t suit these 4 astrological signs at all

Forget the superstitions surrounding the Friday the 13ththis day is not at all a bearer of bad news, quite the contrary. On the other hand, it is a particularly powerful moment on an energetic level. In 2024, it is the month of September, whose sky chart is already very loaded, which inherits the famous Friday the 13th. Here is what the astrological signs should expect!

What is the meaning of Friday the 13th?

Contrary to superstitions that consider it a bad omen, the number 13 is actually charged with positive energies. Essential to the cycle of life, the number 13 is associated with Venus, the planet of love, and the Moon which makes 13 orbits per year.

In numerology, the number 13 represents our deepest desires, and helps us manifest them. In short, far from being a gloomy day, the Friday the 13th is usually charged with feminine energies, making it a favorable day for singles to meet new people. Couples, on the other hand, often take advantage of the influence of Friday the 13th to strengthen their connection and rekindle passion.

Friday, September 13, 2024: What should the zodiac signs expect?

So much for the theory, but in practice, what does a Friday the 13th look like? This year, the Friday September 13, 2024 takes place in a rather charged astrological context; Mars has been in Cancer since September 4th and lets our emotions rule us. But that’s not all, several planets will be in opposition on Friday the 13th. This movement, also called “planetary aspect”, can cause arguments, confrontations and impulsive reactions.

If the astrological climate impacts the entire Zodiac in a general way, all the signs will not experience the influence of Friday the 13th in the same way.

Signs for whom the energy of Friday, September 13th brings luck

Ram: Carried by the influence of the New Moon in Virgo, this day marks the end of a cycle, and therefore the beginning of another. You are finally turning the page to find a little lightness, a well-deserved second wind after a period that left you little time for yourself.

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Bull: This day is like a trigger, you finally realize that it is time to say goodbye to the past. Friday, September 13th is synonymous with a new beginning, but also with a second chance, to take or to give.

Gemini: Friday the 13th brings you a change of perspective, you change your view of your situation before embarking on something new and making an important decision that you have been waiting for a long time.

Scorpion: Your efforts are paying off, your value is recognized and you are being honored. This realization brings serenity and recognition. Believe in yourself, your instinct is rarely wrong, so don’t be afraid to listen to your emotions. However, spare your efforts to conserve your energy.

Sagittarius: This Friday the 13th is rather stable and peaceful for you, but it is not without changes. You realized during the last New Moon that certain habits or relationships no longer suited you, and are taking (slowly but surely) a direction that suits you much better. Set sail and trust yourself, you will find meaning again in the coming months.

Pisces: Some signs let themselves be governed by their emotions on this day of Friday, September 13, 2024, but not you. Your choices are carefully considered, you trust yourself and inspire those around you to do the same. You are convinced that you are going in the right direction and you (finally) put yourself first.

Friday, September 13: These signs are going to have a bad day

Cancer: Hesitation is in the spotlight on this Friday the 13th. Confusion and doubt are ruining your day, preventing you from moving forward and making choices. Clouds never stay in place for long, take a step back to see things more clearly, the situation should return to normal in a few days.

Lion: Driven by the energy of Virgo season that makes you more organized, you are determined to carry out your goals. You trust your instincts, but be careful not to ignore the emotions of those close to you, not everyone moves at the same speed as you. Jealousy or negative emotions could slow you down.

Virgin: The notion of balance that is so important to you is being turned upside down on this Friday, September 13, 2024. You are having trouble making choices, and therefore moving forward. Overcoming your blockages requires a lot of effort, you feel like you are alone in the world. Courage, getting through this day will help you regain your independence, it is just a bad time to get through.

Balance: You are going through a period of doubts, and you do not see how to get out of it. Doubt assails you and insomnia prevents you from resting to see things more clearly. Take the time to analyze the pros and cons of your situation, nothing is ever all “black”, this cycle of confusion is almost over.


Capricorn: This Friday the 13th brings you a good dose of stress. You are asked to make a decision very quickly, and you do not know how to make the right choice. Do not give in to the pressure and press “pause”. Take the time to analyze your situation before rushing towards a big change. This break is necessary to make a new start in good conditions.

Aquarius: A difficult choice is necessary today, this Friday, September 13th. It is time to cut ties with a toxic relationship, marked by jealousy and low blows. You realize that it is out of the question to continue like this, or even to relive something similar in the future. Courage, this difficult moment is necessary to find lightness.

Good luck to all!

SEE ALSO: Here’s Which Astrologers Will Be Unlucky in 2024

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