Home » today » Technology » Attention teachers: Ministry of Education opens more than 36 thousand vacancies in the country

Attention teachers: Ministry of Education opens more than 36 thousand vacancies in the country

The National Civil Service Commission (CNSC) is looking for directors and teachers to work in public institutions in different regions of the country.

On April 4, the public call for jobs was opened for managers and teachers throughout the country. The process is just beginning, but from now on you can register and cancel the participation rights so that they take it into account.

The payment of the rights must be made by all applicants to the merit contests that the CNSC advances every year in the country and is paid in order to finance each of the selection processes for the provision of career jobs. convened by the commission.

The offer is 36,500 thousand vacancies in 89 Secretaries of Education of the country. Of these, 30 are departmental secretariats and 59 are municipal. Therefore, there will be offers in almost every corner of the country.

In the coming days, the CNSC will publish the dates of the stage of registration and sale of participation rightsthrough official channels, such as the website www.cnsc.gov.co and social networks with the user @CNSCColombia.

While the inscriptions are opened and the rights are cancelled, the teachers interested in the offers can consult the agreements and the annex of their territorial entity, in which the rules of the selection process are established, which can be found in the NCSC website.

You can also start your registration at SIMO and collect the requested documents according to the vacancy that fits the applicant’s profile (ID, diplomas and degree certificates, work and experience certifications, publications, other studies, courses, professional card, and other documents required according to the position, etc. .)

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