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Attacked by Bitcoin & e-Money, Peruri-Telkom Makes e-Meterai

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Public Money Printing Company of the Republic of Indonesia (Peruri) and PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (YLKM) officially announced their collaboration to support digital financial transactions in Indonesia.

This is demonstrated by the launch of the e-seal (electronic seal) and integrated electronic mail, located at Balai Subono Mantofani, Peruri Office Jakarta, Friday (17/9/2021).

On that occasion, SOE Minister Erick Thorir said that Indonesia must enter the digital ecosystem in order to compete with other countries.

All elements of the government, both Ministries/Agencies and SOEs must support and collaborate with each other to realize digital transformation.

“We as a State and BUMN must be able to exist and adapt in the digital ecosystem. In particular, Peruri is expected to continue to exist in its position, including in making digital signatures, bitcoin or e-money which we have discussed. become the smallest part of the digital ecosystem belonging to SOEs,” said Erick, quoted from an official statement, Saturday (18/9).

Previously, Peruri had been given an assignment by the government through Government Regulation (PP) Number 6 of 2019 to make state documents that have security features in the form of stamp duty objects.

Stamp objects in question are stamps and paper stamps issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

With the issuance of PP No. 86 of 2021 concerning the Procurement, Management and Sale of Stamps on August 19, where in article 4 it is stated that in printing or making stamps, the government gives Peruri an assignment to print stamps and make electronic seals.

Referring to the regulation, Peruri was appointed to design concepts, provide integrated systems or applications that support the use of electronic seals and create electronic seals.

For this reason, Peruri cooperates with Telkom in preparing the technology and infrastructure for this electronic seal system.

In addition, Telkom is also asked to prepare support for operational management systems and services for users after this electronic seal has actually been launched to the public.

President Director of Peruri Dwina S. Wijaya said that Peruri’s digital services is a transformation that Peruri has carried out in entering the digital era while still prioritizing core competence as a guarantor of authenticity.

“In accordance with the mandate of Government Regulation Number 6 of 2019 which expands Peruri’s assignment to not only print money and state security documents but also to digital security services. In 2019 Peruri launched three digital products, namely Peruri Code for guaranteeing the authenticity of goods, Peruri Sign for guaranteeing authenticity documents and Peruri Trust for system integration and real monitoring as well as track and trace,” explained Dwina.

In this launching agenda, a kick off piloting of the implementation of the electronic seal will also be carried out which will be applied in the TelkomGroup and Himbara (State Bank Association) circles, namely BRI, Bank Mandiri, BNI and BTN.

This kick-off was symbolically carried out through the signing of an e-seal piloting commitment by Peruri President Director Dwina S. Wijaya, Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah, BTN President Director Haru Koesmahargyo, Bank Mandiri Deputy President Director Alexandra Askandar, BRI Director of Institutional and BUMN Relations Agus Noorsanto , and Director of Institutional Relations of BNI Sis Apik Wijayanto, who was also witnessed by the Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir.

Regarding the kick off piloting of electronic seals, Dwina explained that this is a follow-up to Government Regulation Number 86 of 2021 concerning Procurement, Management and Sales of Stamps, which explains that Peruri get an assignment from the state to print out the stamps and make electronic seals (e-seal).

“Therefore, before carrying out the go-live nationally, we need to ensure that the system provided runs well so that things don’t happen that we don’t want. So, we start with piloting in the BUMN environment first. We hope that later we will be more prepared when used by the community,” continued Dwina.

The implementation of integrated electronic mail is also supported by digital security services from Peruri namely Peruri Sign or digital signature and Peruri Tera or digital stamp.

Peruri Sign and Peruri Tera are safe and authentication can be guaranteed, so users don’t have to worry that digital signatures and digital stamps are used by other parties or those who are not authorized.

At the same event, the launch of an integrated electronic mail system was also carried out, an electronic official note system that can be used in an integrated and real-time manner between SOEs, the Ministry of SOEs and all SOEs, as well as internally for each SOE and the Ministry of SOEs.

In this case, Peruri also cooperates with Telkom to provide services that are equipped with digital signatures and secure encryption/decryption in the process of sending and receiving official notes to ensure the security and confidentiality of information.

Through the synergy between SOEs in implementing this integrated e-seal and electronic mail, it is hoped that all parties can provide mutual benefits and added value in accordance with their respective capabilities.

In addition, it is also hoped that it can support digital financial transactions which will ultimately encourage the acceleration of Indonesia’s digital economy growth.

Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah expressed his gratitude for the trust given by Peruri to Telkom.

“It is an honor for Telkom to be able to encourage digitalization and take on the role of digital hub for SOEs and corporations in Indonesia. Telkom believes that digitalization will be able to increase the nation’s competitiveness to be on par with other nations and make Indonesia even better,” said Ririek.

“Telkom itself is currently continuing to strive to accelerate digital transformation along with steps to become the leading digital telco,” he said,

“This synergy is a step for Telkom and Peruri in making a significant contribution to Indonesia’s digital national economic growth which will provide the best value for companies, SOEs, and make Indonesia better.”

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(bag bag)

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