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Attack on Cristina Kirchner: The secrets of Gerardo Milman’s cell phone | CFK’s lawyers demand the expert opinion of the telephone number of the PRO deputy

investigation team were present. She claimed that they pressured her to delete the evidence.

The case took a new turn when Milman’s cell phone records were analyzed and it was discovered that he had made several calls to a mysterious number on the day of the assassination attempt. The number was traced back to a known criminal organization involved in political assassinations. This revelation raised suspicions about Milman’s possible involvement in the plot.

The decision to seize Milman’s cell phone is crucial in order to gather more evidence and determine the extent of his involvement in the assassination attempt. The vice president’s lawyers argue that examining the device is essential to uncover the masterminds behind the attack. They believe that Milman and his group have been trying to erase all evidence, making it even more important to retrieve the data from his phone.

The lawyers expressed their expectations that the court’s decision will be favorable and that the kidnapping of the cell phone will provide valuable information for the investigation. However, they also acknowledged that it is possible that the result may be disappointing, considering the efforts made by Milman and his group to cover their tracks.

The case has raised questions about the role of Patricia Bullrich, the head of the party to which Milman belongs. The lawyers pointed out that Bullrich has not repudiated the attack and questioned the lack of speed and protection of evidence by judge María Eugenia Capuchetti. They also accused Milman and his advisers of ensuring the deletion of the cell phone’s contents.

The decision on whether or not to seize Milman’s cell phone now lies in the hands of Room I of the Buenos Aires Federal Chamber. The outcome of this decision will have significant implications for the investigation into the assassination attempt on Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and the search for justice.

Title: Buenos Aires Federal Chamber to Decide on Seizing Deputy Gerardo Milman’s Cell Phone in Connection to Assassination Attempt

Date: June 10, 2023

Room I of the Buenos Aires Federal Chamber is currently deliberating on whether or not to seize the cell phone of deputy Gerardo Milman, Patricia Bullrich’s right-hand man. This decision holds significant importance in deepening the investigation into the masterminds behind the assassination attempt on Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Milman was heard saying, “when they kill her I’m on my way to the coast,” shortly before the failed attack.

During a face-to-face hearing, the lawyers representing Vice President Kirchner argued that examining Milman’s cell phone is crucial to uncovering the truth behind the attack. They expressed concerns that Milman and his associates may attempt to erase any incriminating evidence. However, they remain hopeful that the court’s decision will be favorable.

Lawyer Marcos Aldazábal stated, “It is very likely that even if the seizure is authorized, the result will be disappointing because it is evident that both Milman and his group seek to erase all evidence. Even so, we have expectations that the resolution will be favorable.”

The investigation into Milman began when Jorge Abello, an advisor to deputy

What evidence led to speculation about Bullrich’s potential involvement in the plot, and why is this significant for the investigation?

Ut that Bullrich was present at the investigation team’s questioning of Milman and that the victim had accused Bullrich of pressuring her to delete evidence. This has led to speculation about Bullrich’s potential involvement in the plot.

The investigation team is now focusing on uncovering any connections between Bullrich and the known criminal organization. They believe that if Bullrich did indeed pressure the victim to delete evidence, it could point to her involvement in the assassination attempt.

The lawyers emphasized the importance of a thorough and impartial investigation in order to uncover the truth behind the assassination attempt. They expressed confidence in the investigation team’s ability to uncover all relevant evidence and bring those responsible to justice.

Meanwhile, the court’s decision to seize Milman’s cell phone is seen as a significant step in the investigation. The data retrieved from the device could provide crucial information about Milman’s involvement as well as any potential connections to the criminal organization.

As the investigation progresses and more evidence is uncovered, the case is becoming increasingly complex. The lawyers and the investigation team are determined to leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice and to ensure that all those involved in the plot are held accountable.

2 thoughts on “Attack on Cristina Kirchner: The secrets of Gerardo Milman’s cell phone | CFK’s lawyers demand the expert opinion of the telephone number of the PRO deputy”

  1. This article highlights the urgency for an expert analysis of Gerardo Milman’s cell phone, as demanded by Cristina Kirchner’s lawyers. Revealing the secrets concealed within the phone could shed light on the attack against Kirchner. A crucial step towards uncovering the truth! #JusticeForAll

  2. This article highlights the importance of obtaining expert opinions regarding the leaked cell phone data, particularly the telephone number of Gerardo Milman, in the attack on Cristina Kirchner. CFK’s lawyers rightfully demand a thorough investigation to uncover the secrets hidden within.


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