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Attack me, but leave the family alone

The mayor of Timisoara, Dominic Fritz, accused of buying a 330,000-euro house, not connected to the centralized system, given that Colterm will stop supplying the heating agent, confirms that he will move to a new house, but explains that the building has was bought by his wife, News.ro reports

In addition, the mayor claims that his bachelor’s apartment had become too small, given that his wife had recently given birth. Fritz claims that the apartment he lived in until now was not connected to the centralized system. “Attack me, but leave the family alone,” Fritz said.

“From the day I declared my candidacy for Timisoara City Hall, I got used to all kinds of fake news, attacks and lies about myself. That I am a spy, that I do not have diplomas, that I do not have the right to be mayor, etc. I usually don’t answer, because there are too many real problems to solve to deal with the invented ones.

I knew it was only a matter of time before my family would be attacked. Now a bizarre fake news is circulating that I moved with my wife to a villa because I no longer want to stay with my child related to Colterm. This time I’m answering, because it’s not just about me anymore. My wife has been working in disaster and war areas for 10 years.

He has been stationed in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Iraq and, for the past two years, in the Central African Republic, where he was part of the team that coordinated the UN pandemic response in a civil war country with a almost non-existent medical system. I do not know another more courageous, tenacious and intelligent human being “, Fritz wrote on Facebook.

The mayor also says that his wife really wanted to have a house, but as she is not a citizen of the European Union, she cannot own land, so the land on which the house is located was named after Dominic Fritz.

“After 10 years of living in conflict zones, she really wanted our child to grow up (and hopefully not be the last!) In her home. In Timisoara. The bachelor apartment I bought in 2015 became too small for our extended family.

After many months of searching, we found our refuge and can’t wait to move. Neither building is connected to Colterm, that’s what happened. I would like those who propagate these attacks about my privacy to invest at least a fraction of their resources and energy in finding solutions for Colterm.

Colterm would not have ended up in this situation if the public interest had been on the agenda of those who are now obviously looking for a scapegoat after damaging the city and enlarging their pockets. One more detail: my wife, not being an EU citizen, is not allowed to own land in Romania, only real estate. So she made me the owner of the land on which her house stands. I thank him. I will mention the donation in my next wealth declaration. It’s all in sight, houses closed “, Fritz also wrote.

Finally, the mayor of Timişoara appeals to the local press to leave his family alone.

“I am a public figure, I assumed that. I know that my presence and that of many colleagues are disturbing, we are not making mistakes, we want the law to be respected in this country and therefore we must, at all costs, be discredited. Attack me if you have no arguments or solutions. But leave my family alone, “Fritz wrote.

According to local media, Dominic Fritz’s family bought a house in Timisoara for 330,000 euros from an Italian citizen.

The district heating company from Timişoara, Colterm was, this summer, in the center of a scandal related to the financial situation with debts of over 300 million lei, and in May it was fined with 21 million euros because it did not bought the pollution certificates imposed by the European Union. The fine was challenged by the Timişoara City Hall.

Prior to the sanction, the Fritz administration appointed a director at Colterm who had a criminal conviction and bought a luxury car to use on the road as Colterm’s director. He was subsequently dismissed.

In June, police officers from the Economic Crime Investigation Service of the Timiş Police Inspectorate went to Colterm headquarters to request several documents, and they were investigating, under the coordination of a prosecutor, in a embezzlement and forgery case. Investigators said at the time that a number of older contracts had been requested.

This fall, Dominic Fritz announced that the situation of district heating in the municipality is a difficult one given the high gas costs. The mayor called on the parliamentary parties to find solutions to help cities that are in the same area as Timisoara.

Several schools in Timisoara have decided to take online classes due to the cold in the classrooms. Colterm started supplying heating only a week ago, but not in the whole city, because in some neighborhoods there were still refurbishment works. By the end of the month, in stages, all neighborhoods in Timisoara will be warm.

The mayor of Timişoara, Dominic Fritz, announced on Monday, in a press statement, the insolvency of the district heating company, Colterm. He then gave assurances that the people of Timisoara will have hot water and heat and mentioned that he requested, through the Timiş prefecture, to the Government, the allocation of coal from the state reserve.

On Wednesday, E.On announced the heating company from Timişoara, Colterm, that it will stop, on October 25, the supply of natural gas due to the debts that Colterm has to E.ON. This means that the more than 50,000 Colterm subscribers will run out of heat and hot water on Monday.

Timisoara City Hall announced on Friday that an increase in the MWh price is required and that a project in this regard will be found on the table of the Local Council at the first meeting.

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