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“Attach your tuque”: Canada beyond the clichés

The birth of Attache ta tuque, Valérie Lion remembers it well. As the journalist took up her post at L’Express, she was entrusted with a special issue on Quebec: ” It was so successful that we expanded it to Canada and made it annual “, she explains. “ Attache ta tuque was born in 2018, this newsletter was published every week in L’Express “, she remembers. The goal was then to disseminate a more personal vision and analysis of Franco-Canadian relations and the reality of life in Canada. Since her first trip to Montreal in 1992, Valérie Lion has never stopped returning to the country with the maple leaf. This crush even led him to publish a book, “ Indomitable Quebecers in which she shows the innovative side of the country. ” When I left the Express at the end of 2020, I left with my newsletter and took it over personally “explains the journalist. The bet seems successful since the column, which brings together thousands of readers, continues to live and is already in its fourth season!

Bridging Canada and France

The newsletter is intended for big dreamers, those who are thinking about settling in Canada, or those who have already planned their departure. ” Tie your tuque, it’s both my attachment to this country, but also a discovery and a look that I offer people “, she explains, continuing on the fact that this column is also” a way to create a bridge, a dialogue between Canadians and the French “. The journalist also explains that Canada is often seen as a country where it is easy to immigrate, in particular thanks to the language. However, it remains complex and difficult to understand and many only stop at clichés. This is why, through current events and events, it tells us about the reality of this North American territory. ” In Canada, the idea of ​​mobility is much more rooted, geographically, professionally and socially. From this point of view, it is a country of opportunity, but we must not lie to ourselves about the differences that we will meet there. “, she adds.

A chronicle that is not about to end

« Through this column, I can do a lot of things, from news to books, or even meetings “says the journalist who would like to bring together her writings in a book. Given its success, Attache ta tuque should be entitled to a season 5, assures Valérie Lion: “ As long as the readers don’t get bored, I want to continue. This forward-looking country has the advantage of offering an endless resource of news and small anecdotes. Resources that give ideas to the journalist who would like to ask the community what topics they would like me to cover “. Attache ta tuque takes a vacation, but the chronicle will return for the start of the school year with new episodes.

> Find the latest episodes here:

Tie your tuque

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