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ATSS and High School Teacher Union Meeting Highlights: April 4 Recap

The fallback CSA (the union organizations had boycotted the CSA scheduled for March 21) for ATSS and high school teacher positions took place this Thursday, April 4.

Here are the points raised in the prior declaration from UNSA Education Dijon:

  • Administrative staff and their difficulties, the lack of resources and recognition among health (nurses and doctors) and social staff (social workers and technical advisors), the dysfunction of RenoiRH and op@le
  • Implementation of the framework agreement on teleworking
  • The debate on the financing of private education and our demands
  • Our proposals for a more inclusive society and school
  • Our opposition to the elimination of ITRF positions in colleges in the academy
  • Teaching positions in high schools: eliminations and deterioration of working conditions
  • Shock of knowledge: we reaffirm our refusal to this system
  • The essential question of respect for Secularism in our establishments and our schools

The prior declaration is ici.

The Rector was excused at this instance, summoned to a ministerial meeting. It was the Secretary General (SG) who chaired this body.

In its response to the preliminary declarations, the SG mentioned the situation experienced at Heriot college and the composure of the head of the establishment, the consideration of security around establishments in Dijon, the establishment of groups of need for college.

Following the questioning of UNSA Education on the implementation of the framework agreement on teleworking in EPLE, the SG recorded the establishment of a working group. First of all, the rectorate must meet the different local authorities. A first meeting with the Region is planned for April.

UNSA Education pointed out the fact that staff are already working remotely, so there is inequality depending on status and location.

The agenda for examination was: the evolution of BOP 141 positions as part of the preparation for the 2024 school year

In a prior declaration, UNSA Education gave a first opinion on the school card measures:

The instances follow one another and unfortunately are similar. The UNSA Education notes and denounces, as every year, the job cuts, the variation of which translates here into axes falling on the heads of certain teaching staff. Yes, the demographics in our region are declining, but how can we accept the inevitability of the figures and your accounting logic, imposed, we are aware of this by our ministry and by the State. Behind each deleted or shared position, each BMP, there is a person who will suffer a deterioration in their working conditions.

Secondary teaching positions

Some figures in the academy

Balance of creations/deletions: – 22 positions including 35 MCS (37 at the start of the 2023 school year) 129 deletions, 107 creations including 35 MCS

MCS= school map measurement

Secondary school teaching positions

Less 37 positions with 16 MCS

Additional services: around 150 planned

BMP (provisional means block): + 60/shifts 2023 (from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. mainly for a service of approximately 20 hours).

All of these measures represent more than 1000 service additions. Some teachers have their service shared between 2, 3 or 4 establishments…


UNSA Education wished to intervene on the job cuts in colleges first of all by prior declaration.

In the document presented, there are a lot of positions which appear vacant and many contract workers are in place. UNSA Education has requested that competitive positions be opened, in particular so that certain contract workers can take the competitive examination. UNSA Education asked in which establishments the positions in the competition would be.

The HR manager’s response was vague: There are many vacant positions, because there are many retirements. The positions are not all occupied by incumbents to allow “fluidity for staff mobility”. And for the competition locations, it is not intended to be known, it is not yet considered, it will be reviewed with the head of the DPAES in the 3rd quarter…

UNSA Education insisted on having tenured staff. We will remain vigilant on competition openings and communication from the establishments concerned.

UNSA Education has once again requested a mapping of all positions in the academy’s establishments. This should be sent to us later.

We unanimously voted against the entire project presented.

The working documents are available for consultation on request for members of a UNSA Education union.

For any questions you can send an email to [email protected].

Your elected officials at the CSA.

2024-04-08 11:54:50
#CSA #Dijon #positions #school #UNSAEducation.com

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