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ATM payments for professionals and businesses: why it pays

From today more electronic money and less cash also in professional firms and businesses. Until now, it has often happened that you cannot pay a professional service or a job done by a craftsman with an ATM or credit card. The motivation was simple: the professionals complained of an additional cost of the POS and therefore a poor convenience to electronic money. Instead, the tax credit for commissions charged for the use of the Pos starts from 1 July. In essence, the costs incurred by professionals and businesses on transactions carried out by accepting credit cards and other traceable electronic payments will be transformed into a tax bonus equal to 30% of the amount charged for bank charges. Therefore, professionals and companies are obliged to accept e-money payments to be able to access this new tax credit.

Opportunities and gaps

What is missing are the sanctions against those who will not comply. In the first version, the tax decree provided for, in the event of non-acceptance of the electronic payment, the application of a penalty, to be paid by the professional and the company, for a fixed value of 30 euros with the addition of 4% of the value of the rejected transaction. A penalty, however, which would not have been automatic but which would have applied to two conditions: complaint by the consumer, who was denied payment by electronic means, and subsequent verification by the competent bodies with the remission of all documents to the Prefect competent for the territory. The sanctions chapter has been crossed out and now there are no deterrents for those who do not want to use the Pos, which makes the mechanism a bit weaker, Fisco and legislators have preferred to focus on convenience for those who decide to increase the use of electronic money. The tax relief, in fact, consists of a tax credit, equal to 30% of the commissions and fixed costs charged for transactions carried out using credit cards starting from 1 July 2020. The credit will be usable, only in compensation, starting from the month following the month in which the expenses were incurred.

Method of request and use

To obtain the credit, a communication must be sent, using the software prepared by the Agency itself, in which both the number of transactions carried out in the reference period and the amounts of the commissions and periodic fixed costs charged by the financial operators who make the pos. This was foreseen by a provision of April 29 with which the Inland Revenue made the facility operational. The communication must be made by the 20th of the following month and the credit, accrued monthly, can be used starting from the following month; therefore after sending the communications to the Agency.

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