Home » today » Sport » Atlético-MG flirts with Diego Costa; initial values ​​scare, but club doesn’t throw in the towel | athletic-mg

Atlético-MG flirts with Diego Costa; initial values ​​scare, but club doesn’t throw in the towel | athletic-mg

Striker Diego Costa is in the crosshairs of Atlético-MG. The club flirts with the 32-year-old player, currently without a club. A first contact took place last year, without progress. The conversation was resumed in recent days, but the values ​​intended and offered still do not match. The club, however, does not throw in the towel. There is a possibility of business.

According to information from give, Atlético put values ​​on Diego Costa’s table in recent days. The attacker declined the offer. The direction of Galo tries a second attempt, with better conditions. The Sergipe player, naturalized Spanish, also has a Turkish football offer in his hands.

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Diego Costa celebrates Atletico Madrid’s Europa League title — Photo: Getty Images

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Coach Cuca has been asking the Atlético’s board for a center forward. Hulk is the starter in the role and has a spectacular season, but he can also play as a second striker. Diego Costa’s name pleases the committee, and he has an advantage: he is Brazilian. It would not enter the limit of five foreigners per game, according to the regulation of competitions held by the CBF.

Currently, the Atletico cast has seven gringos: Chilean Vargas, Venezuelan Savarino, Colombian Dylan Borrero, Ecuadorian Alan Franco, Paraguayan Junior Alonso and Argentineans Nacho Fernández and Zaracho.

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Diego Costa scores for Spain against Iran — Photo: Reuters

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Diego Costa claimed personal reasons for leaving Atlético de Madrid, in December of last year. Soon after, the center forward was offered to Galo, but the high values ​​prevented the negotiations from moving forward.

The striker has been considered as a reinforcement for several teams in world football. Last month, the Turkish press reported that he had received a proposal from Besiktas. The offer would be approximately R$ 18 million per year to sign with the Turkish team until June 2023.

Atlético de Madrid was the most prominent club in the striker’s career. For the Spanish team, Diego won six titles: one in the Spanish Championship (2013/14), one in the Europa League (2017/18), three in the European Super Cup (2010, 2012 and 2018) and one in the Copa del Rey (2012/ 13). The forward defended the team in 215 games and scored 84 goals in three different spells. For the Spanish team, he played in the 2014 and 2018 World Cups, scoring three goals in the edition played in Russia.

– -collaborated Fred Ribeiro

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