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Atlas 2021 – Mexico and Central America> France

The House of Human Sciences Foundation (FMSH) and Center for Mexican and Central American Studies (CEMCA) offer mobility assistance for a 2-month stay in France to postdoctoral fellows or young teacher-researchers from Mexico or Central America who have defended their thesis from 2015.

This mobility aid is intended to carry out research work in France: field surveys, work in libraries and archives.

This call is part of the Atlas program short-term postdoctoral mobility program launched by the FMSH and its partners.

Total financial assistance of 3 000 euros for two months (paid in two monthly installments) is awarded to the winners. It is intended to cover the costs of the stay.

In partnership with CEMCA, the University of Paris will cover the cost of the return plane ticket.

In addition, the FMSH and CEMCA provide assistance in obtaining a visa to France as well as logistical support to organize their stay (letters for libraries, etc.).

  • Nationality: Applicants must be nationals of one of the following countries: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Belize, Mexico and be attached to a higher education research institution / private or public research institute. one of these countries.
  • Degree: Applicants must have a doctorate. The thesis must have been defended from 2015.
  • Discipline: Applicants must be engaged in research in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Host institution: Applicants must find a French research institution which will ensure their scientific reception during their stay in France. When applying, applicants must provide an invitation letter signed by the host institution and addressed to the FMSH and CEMCA, in which the host institution justifies the reasons for the invitation as well as the conditions. of work made available.

The researcher must submit to the FMSH and CEMCA, at the end of his stay, a report between 10,000 and 20,000 signs (spaces and notes included) presenting the activities carried out during his stay and their contribution to his research project.

Applicants must submit a form and a scientific dossier (research project + annexes) on a online platform. The online platform will be accessible from January 11, 2021.

Full applications must be uploaded to the online platform no later than March 15, 2021, 5:00 PM (Paris time).

The form and the scientific dossier can be submitted in French or in English.

Content of the scientific dossier

The research project: The research project consists of a presentation between 10,000 and 20,000 characters (spaces and notes included) made up of:

  • the problem and the objectives of the research project
  • a bibliography
  • details of the stay program (places and institutions to visit, contacts)

Annexes :

  • A CV of maximum 2 pages
  • A list of publications
  • Copy of the thesis diploma
  • A letter from the director of the home institution in the country of origin
  • A welcome letter from the director of the host institution in France, justifying the reasons for the invitation and the working conditions made available

How to apply

1. Go to the platform http://calls.msh-paris.fr and enter the “Researcher Workspace” area.

2. Identify yourself if you have already created an account, if so, create an account.

3. Fill in your profile then click on “create a new application”.

4. Select “Program Atlas incoming 2021” then the specific call “FMSH-CEMCA: Mexico and Central America> France”.

5. Complete all the tabs of the form.

6. In the “Documents” tab, download as a single electronic document in pdf format your application file which will consist of the following documents:

  • A research project
  • A CV of maximum 2 pages
  • A list of publications
  • Copy of the thesis diploma
  • A letter from the director of the home institution in the country of origin
  • A welcome letter

7. You can save your application without submitting it to come back to it later, or submit it permanently. When you have submitted your application, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Please note, if your application is not submitted it will not be considered. Applications that are incomplete or do not correspond to the above description will not be taken into account.

For any information on the platform, or in case of difficulty in using it, contact [email protected]

A selection committee made up of members of the FMSH and CEMCA and external experts will analyze and select the applications with regard to the following elements:

  • The quality of the scientific dossier and the methodology developed
  • The relevance of coming to France with regard to the project developed and the researcher’s career
  • The ability to identify scientific contacts on site

Researchers who have never benefited from the device will be privileged.

The results will be communicated by email to the candidates at the end of March / beginning of April 2021.

  • Opening of the call: January 11, 2021
  • Closing of the call: March 15, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. (Paris time)

  • Analysis of applications: mid-March – end of March 2021
  • Announcement of results: end of March / beginning of April 2021
  • Duration of mobility stays: 2 months
  • Period of stay: From May to July or from September to December 2021. The stay must imperatively take place in 2021.
  • Number of months available on this call: 2

At the FMSH: Mme Amandine Samson [email protected]

At CEMCA: Ms. Marcela Leon [email protected]

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