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Atlanta mourns John Lewis, pioneer of the struggle for civil rights in the United States

After his death on July 18, the capital of Georgia in the United States paid tribute to John Lewis, close to Martin Luther King and icon of the struggle for civil rights.

Democrat John Lewis has died at age 80 from pancreatic cancer. Georgia’s elected official was honored in the state capital on Sunday July 19. Many Americans gathered on the streets to celebrate the memory of Martin Luther King’s loved one. John Lewis had notably helped him prepare for the Washington March in 1963, during which King delivered his famous speech, “I have a dream”.

Among the many testimonies of the American political class, Barack Obama spoke on social networks: “When I was elected President of the United States, I hugged him on the inauguration podium, before taking the oath, and I told him that I was only there because of the sacrifices he had made. And through those years he has never ceased to shower us with wisdom and encouragement, Michelle, our family and me. He will be sorely missed, ”explained the former president. Donald Trump’s reaction was delayed for hours, before the Republican president published a tweet in which he expressed his “sadness to learn that the civil rights hero was dead.” ”

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