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At work, does music help focus?

At work or at home, to concentrate, are you more “totally silent” or “headphones on”? If music softens mores, does it help you be more productive? And if so, which songs to choose?

In 2014, the music platform Spotify carried out a survey: 61% of respondents listened to music in the office. Respondents then explained that it made them happier and more productive.

So, do music and work go hand in hand? This is a very subjective question. Because we do not all have the same ability to concentrate. Nor the same sensitivity to music. Thus, some of us will remain totally sealed off and distracted if we have to spend a piece while working.

Under what circumstances can music help?

The problem is, music can take up all of our attention. Depending on the task at hand, this can potentially affect your productivity. Different studies have shown that if you work on something repetitive and boring it can increase your productivity considerably. But not just any song. Jazz seems to be the most suitable for staying focused while classical music would boost reasoning skills. And if Mozart is decidedly not your thing, try listening to the ocean, the murmur of a stream or a waterfall, as these sounds help reduce stress.

On the other hand, if you are faced with a task that requires concentration, it may be best to do it silently. And if you really need sound, prefer music that will not distract you: rather something monotonous, without words …

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