Home » World » At this hotel in Mallorca too, everyone is in the starting blocks at 9:00 for the towel race

At this hotel in Mallorca too, everyone is in the starting blocks at 9:00 for the towel race


Because we can’t get enough of it

The towel race has become a household name in recent years. You see it coming back online every summer holiday. If you ask people what they think of it, they will all confirm that they find it annoying, antisocial and hopeless, but there is a big chance that they participate themselves. Because, well, you want to have a good spot at that swimming pool after all.

Also in this hotel in Mallorca we were obediently in the starting blocks at 9:00 to confiscate that one spot of the resort, to then lie there all day baking in the sun among all the other tourists. Nice man. Really a top holiday!

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