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At these times it is better not to use mouthwash

The pros and cons

Mouthwash is often used for fresh breath and a clean mouth feel. In the past, mouthwash was strongly recommended by almost every dentist, but today it is different.

Of course, we know that mouthwash has benefits, such as killing bad bacteria and leaving you feeling fresh and clean. Unfortunately, these do not outweigh the disadvantages of mouthwash. That substance that kills the bad bacteria also affects the good bacteria in your mouth. In addition, it can increase the chance of dental plaque, substances such as alcohol can actually cause bad breath and there can be harmful substances in the mouthwash.

After dinner

Your first instinct may be to rinse your mouth with mouthwash immediately after eating. Especially if you have eaten something with strong odors, such as garlic. But don’t forget the mouthwash! Right after eating you have several bad, but also good bacteria in your mouth. If you rinse immediately, you will rinse away all these bacteria. And that while you need them. The bacteria can influence how well or badly you absorb nutrients.

After exercising

Even after exercise, you should not immediately reach for that bottle of mouthwash. This again has to do with those bacteria that you wash away. They ensure that oxygen is more easily delivered to muscles that have been working hard. And those muscles desperately need the oxygen. If you rinse the bacteria away with mouthwash, you make it more difficult for your body to deliver enough oxygen to the muscles that need it.

Bad breath

Do you suffer from bad breath and do you find it difficult to part with that bottle of mouthwash? Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives. Bad breath is often the result of inflammation or other diseases in the mouth. With such an inflammation it is very good to rinse with salt water. By addressing the immediate cause, your bad breath will disappear.

Do you feel like something else is loose in your mouth? Then it is advisable to contact your dentist or a dental hygienist.


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