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At the University of Nanterre, the standoff of the “without college” to obtain an enrollment

For fifty days, the premises of the presidency of the University of Nanterre have been occupied by a group of students called the “without college”. They are asking for registration for candidates entering a bachelor’s and master’s degree who have not received any proposal through Parcoursup or from master’s courses at the start of the school year.

At the beginning of December, the movement grew, the occupation being joined by political and union “supporters”, in particular from Solidaires, Force Ouvrière, La France insoumise as well as the New anti-capitalist party. An online jackpot brought together, on December 17, the sum of 7,216 euros and eighty-five donors.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Sixteenth day of occupation of the University of Paris-Nanterre by the group of students “without college”

The collective transmitted, on December 3, a “compromise” to the presidency of the university in order to reach an agreement concerning twenty-three files remaining without proposal out of a total of sixty-one at the start of the movement, on October 27. Recalling that“Studying is a right, not a privilege”, the “without college” ask the president of Paris-Nanterre University, Philippe Gervais-Lambony, to do more ” a gesture “.

A lack of teachers

The latter indicates that he already has “Does much more than others for people without assignment”, three hundred additional students having been integrated at the start of the school year, out of three thousand requests. “This was done according to the democratic principle of consultation of university components, examination of files and reception capacities., he explains to the World. We obviously respect the feedback given by these teaching committees even if we are aware that there is a real problem with the two levels of selection in license and in master. ”

Targeted by the “without college” as the origin of an injustice, Nanterre, with its 34,000 students, is above all an under-resourced establishment, estimates its president, the number of tenured teachers making it possible to ensure only 50% hours of lessons. “We are a public service which cannot fulfill its missions, we cannot continue like this”, insists Philippe Gervais-Lambony. The board of directors has just voted by a large majority a deficit budget of nearly 3 million euros in order to recruit more teachers and improve the compensation policy for administrative staff.

Thursday, December 16 in the morning, a delegation of “without college” left Nanterre to try to challenge the Prime Minister, in vain, when Jean Castex was to meet the members of the Conference of University Presidents (CPU), in Paris. In a video posted on Twitter, Victor Mendez, spokesperson for the movement, urges the presidency of Nanterre to sign a “End of occupation protocol”, intended for « codifier » the continuation of negotiations on the twenty-three backlogs.

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