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At the trial of the Paris attacks, François Hollande scratches Belgium

The former president claims his action before and after November 13, 2015. And if Salah Abdeslam was able to return to Belgium a few hours after the massacres, it is not France’s fault, he said.

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IHe had been preparing for this hearing as a witness for months. “It will not be the state trial or that of the security services,” he told us last summer (Le Soir, September 3). Here he is at the bar of the specially composed assize court which judges twenty defendants (fourteen of whom are present), for the attacks of November 13, 2015. Massacres which left 130 dead in Paris and Saint-Denis.

– Hello Mr. President, begins Jean-Louis Périès.

– Good morning, Mr. President, replies the witness.

A nervous laugh crosses the room.

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