Home » today » News » At the study the reopening from April 27th of furniture factories. Palazzo Chigi: no definitive hypothesis – Economy

At the study the reopening from April 27th of furniture factories. Palazzo Chigi: no definitive hypothesis – Economy

Fashion companies, furniture factories, automotive, construction sites. There are four production sectors that are expected to be reopened before May 4th, perhaps starting April 27th. As far as we learn, the restarting of these activities is being studied in these hours, also considering that they would be among those classified by Inail as low risk.

But an evaluation would still be ongoing and there should be a new confrontation with the social partners in the short term, perhaps already over the weekend.

On May 4th they could reopen, albeit with a whole series of limitations and prohibitions, even bars, restaurants and parks. The hypothesis, according to what ANSA learns, is on the table of experts who will have to provide the government with guidelines for the reopening of the country. This is an ongoing evaluation, it being understood that the choices will be up to the government also on the basis of the epidemiological data that will be recorded in the coming weeks.

How long it concerns bars and restaurants, the indication would be to give a signal of reopening also for this sector. How? Restoring some of the rules that had already been prepared before the lockdown and adding others: therefore distancing the tables, maintaining social distancing also at the counter, individual protections for employees and in particular for waiters, use of outdoor spaces. As for the parks, also in this case the indication would be to give a restart signal: it would be allowed to access the green areas as well as to carry out physical activities even away from home. At the same time, however, a series of indications of ‘prudence’ will be reaffirmed, namely the maintenance of social distancing, the use of masks and the ban on gathering.

Palazzo Chigi, on openings no definitive hypothesis – In these days and in the last hours numerous hypotheses are circulating, with lots of dates, on the possible reopening in the country. In some cases these are hypotheses that have no basis, in others hypotheses that are still being studied and therefore cannot in any way be considered definitive. This is what sources from Palazzo Chigi point out, specifying that the decisions on easing the lockdown will be communicated after the conclusion of the work of the task force on phase two.

In these days and in the last hours numerous hypotheses are circulating, with lots of dates, on the possible reopening in the country. In some cases these are hypotheses that have no basis, in others hypotheses that are still being studied and therefore cannot in any way be considered definitive. At this moment the government, assisted by the technical scientific committee and the task force of experts, is working for phase two and only when it has finished the work will it clearly communicate the times and the methods of loosening the lockdown, so as to give the Italians certain information, the sources of Palazzo Chigi explain. Anticipations, indiscretions and forward leaks – in such a delicate moment – risk fueling chaos and confusion. In these moments, however, the responsible collaboration of all is essential, they conclude

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