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at the same time, given the chances of the Wizards …

After recently commenting on his state of health, John Wall gave his opinion on the current situation in the League and the resumption of the season in Orlando. Even in great shape, the star point guard of the Wizards would not have gone to Mickey and his friend Uncle Scrooge.

Over a year and a half we haven’t seen John Wall on the NBA floors. Injuries to the heel and then to the Achilles tendon prevented the leader from helping Bradley Beal and the Wizards, invited for the recovery in Orlando but in a very delicate situation to hope to snatch a qualification in the Playoffs. If Jean Mur has indicated that his rehabilitation is going very well, we will have to wait until next season to see him again. And obviously, Even in good health, Wall would have refused the invitation to Orlando. Here’s what the Washington player said on the “Tuff Juice Podcast”With Caron Butler.

“For me, if I was playing, I wouldn’t want to go, to be honest. I wouldn’t feel safe. I don’t think it is. I understand why they want to do it and what they are trying to achieve, but I wouldn’t.

Go there just to play eight games? I’m not going to play just eight games and then come home. “

The 2014 Dunk Contest winner also commented on Kyrie Irving’s recent statements. If Austin Rivers or Ed Davis went against the words of the Nets player, the latter received the support of Dwight Howard and therefore that of John Wall.

“To be honest, I think he’s right. A lot of people have the same feeling. I think that’s why they tried to answer the call, to see how many people are really ready to go and play and how many are not. Because with the ‘Black Lives Matter’ going on, the protests and the search for social justice and all that, a lot of people think it might be dangerous to go. “

Again, this Wall statement is going to be commented on a lot. In particular by those who are in favor of a return to the game, highlighting the cost for some of not touching their salary. Not everyone is John Wall! This season alone, his payslip stood at $ 38.2 million… for a blank season. To come back to the basketball plan, the Wizards would in any case need to find their All-Star leader as soon as possible. The duet with Bradley Beal was going quite well, and the seasons are getting complicated in the capital. If Bealou seems willing to stay in Washington, a start from behind wouldn’t be surprising. But it is not known to what level Wall, who will soon reach his thirties, will return. In career, it’s still 19 points and 9.2 assists on average …

John Wall’s turn to speak on the resumption of the NBA, and the leader of the Wizards supports Kyrie Irving. If everyone can obviously have their opinion on the subject, we would like to see these two compete on an NBA floor anyway. At the time, it was not bad.

Source texte : Tuff Juice Podcast

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