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At the request of Justice: the Government of the City of Buenos Aires annulled the electronic voting system

He Government from Buenos aires city made the decision to annul electronic voting for the October elections, opting to return to the paper ballot system. This modification arises after problems detected in the PASO of August. Federal electoral judge María Servini had expressed concern, and the National Electoral Chamber (CNE) agreed with him.

“These inconveniences transformed this election into the most problematic and conflictive elections of the last 30 years in this city, affecting the right to vote of many citizens who could not vote locally, or had to do so in poor conditions,” Servini said in statements cited by the agency THAT.

“These inconveniences transformed this election into the most problematic and conflictive elections of the last 30 years in this city, affecting the right to vote of many citizens who could not vote locally, or had to do so in poor conditions,” said the magistrate. with competence in CABA.

The CNE responded: “Keep in mind the circumstances reported by the federal judge with electoral jurisdiction of the Federal Capital regarding the consequences derived from the malfunction of the voting system with the Single Electronic Ballot (BUE) implemented by the Electoral Management Institute of The city of Buenos Aires”

What was resolved from Justice?

The change in focus on the voting system reflects the importance of ensuring the integrity and reliability of the electoral process. Although electronic voting can offer efficiency and speed in the counting of votes, the technical failures and the uncertainty generated in the PASO have led to a reconsideration of its implementation. The transition back to voting on paper seeks to ensure a fair election without technical drawbacks that could compromise the legitimacy of the process.

“The degree of improvisation with which both the company contracted for the supply and installation of the voting machines, as well as the Electoral Management Institute of the City of Buenos Aires itself, have been handled, evidencing an inexperience never seen before in the organization and execution of an electoral process”, highlighted Servini.

What does the CABA decree say?

“Establish that the ballots of local authorities will be separated from the ballots of national authorities, without prejudice to the fact that they will be subject to the characteristics established in article 62 and following of the National Electoral Code Law No. 19,945 (to Decree No. 2,135 /PEN/83)”, indicates the document launched by the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Horacio Rodriguez Larretamaking it clear that the CABA lists will continue to be separated from the national ones, but they will vote on the same day.

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