Home » today » Entertainment » At the end of August, the comedy Tizlenes / Diena will premiere

At the end of August, the comedy Tizlenes / Diena will premiere

movies Kneel is a work that is visually retained in the style of “two thousand” (cameraman – award-winning Aigars Sērmukšs) and freely uses references to both the popular culture of this time and film classics, bringing to the fore the story of teenagers’ self-search, difficult school life and self-esteem globally and personally at a crucial time.

School-age actresses – Asnāte Sofija Rožkalne, Ludmila Karpova, Katrīna Dambeniece and Gerda Embure – have been chosen for the main roles, who are also supported by an ensemble of experienced and well-known actors, including Guna Zariņa, Daiga Kažociņa, Ģirts Krūmiņš, Imants Strads, Marija Linad

The film, which was shot in 2020, will be released in Latvian cinemas on August 27 this year. Kneel produced by the Latvian Film Studio Ego Media in cooperation with a Czech company 8Heads Productions and a local content producer Tet studio. Among the films made by the studio is director Viesturs Kairiša Written by enrollment (2019), documentary by Dāvis Sīmanis Wall (2013), Ilze Burkovska-Jakobsen documentary animated film My favorite war (2020) and others.

Kneel is the director Marta Elīna Martinson ‘s debut feature film – her short film Viesturs Kairišs comes out of the forest (2018) won the award Kristaps the Great category The best student film, while in 2019 the director together with Alice Zariņš received The Great Kristaps for the best screenplay for a feature film Next to (2019).

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