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‘At the Copernicus in Udine, experimentation against the limited number of Medicine’

“I greet with satisfaction the entry of the Copernicus of Udine among the high schools that collaborate in the experimentation of the Biomedical Curvature project, which I have supported since its birth in 2011 at the Leonardo da Vinci of Reggio Calabria, thanks to the director Giuseppina Princi now regional councilor. Insert l “biomedical address among the options of classical and scientific high schools is in fact the objective of my bill, as a first step for overcoming the limited number of access to university medical courses”, declares the head of the Education Department of the Lega Mario Pittoni, the president of the culture commission in the Senate last legislature.

“In this way – explains Pittoni – the kids can verify how much they are inclined to this type of study. It is a qualitative filter which, on the one hand, can contain the numbers (more than one out of three students drop out) and on the other justify new investments, so as not to have to exclude those who deserve it Given that the first issue to be addressed to prevent the country from running out of doctors (an alarm we have been launching since 2010) concerns the adjustment of funds for specialization, the Biomedical Curvature path can be really an important response for the reduction of the numerus clausus which penalizes the training of new doctors, together with the proposal inspired by the French model which provides for some targeted examinations in a defined period of time, so as to discourage time wasters (who bet on luck) and with the guarantee of greater effectiveness compared to the current quizzes to identify – concludes Pittoni – the aptitude and quality of the candidates”.

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