Do you love being outdoors and adventure, even if it gets uncomfortable and thrilling? Then we have a tip for you: The European Outdoor Film Tour, EOFT for short. In adrenaline-pumping and accessible short films, you virtually go around the world. Text: Martin Häußermann
Bored Englishmen sometimes undertake absurd feats. When ambitious climbers Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker were unable to travel to Yosemite National Park in the USA due to the pandemic, they looked for a destination on their island and found the Exminster Viaduct in Devon. They crossed this 763-metre-long motorway bridge, suspended in the expansion joint between the two carriageways. Sounds silly – and it is. But it’s also wonderfully funny how the two Bridge Boys present this sporty and enormously ambitious project with British humor in a film that runs almost half an hour. This film can be seen on European Open Air Film Tour (EOFT)which will be in circulation in Europe until the end of January.
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The European outdoor film tour hat tradition
This is a tradition. The Munich agency has been doing this for more than 20 years Moving Adventures Medium GmbH has the task of viewing and collecting the most spectacular open-air films of the year and bringing them closer to interested audiences. This year, the curators of the European Outdoor Film Tour have selected eight films ranging in length from four to 28 minutes and have brought them together in a very varied program that lasts a good two hours. The title hero of the current issue is the American ultra runner Timothy Olson, who mastered the 4265-kilometer Pacific Crest Trail in less than 52 days – and had to complete about two marathons a day. The resulting film plunges the viewer into Olson’s emotional world and depicts his ups and downs during a feat that makes even ambitious racers shake their heads.

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Pure Adventure Kayak down the waterfalls and set sail for Spitsbergen
Also impressive is the portrait of French canoeist Nouria Newman, who once competed in Olympic kayaking but now masters waterfalls and rapids with incredible skill and spectacular manoeuvres. Skiers love the story of Céleste Pomeranz and Nikolai Schirmer, who set sail together to Spitsbergen on a ski tour.
EOFT 2022 can be seen on more than 60 dates in cinemas and event halls throughout Germany until the end of January. More information and dates below on the EOFT website. Tip: Film events too Oceanic Cinema International Tour and the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour by Moving Adventures Medien are always worth a visit.

Hans-Martin Kudlinsky