Home » today » Health » At the beginning of the year, dengue fever sufferers in East Java have reached 69 people

At the beginning of the year, dengue fever sufferers in East Java have reached 69 people

SURABAYA – The East Java Health Office noted that in 2021 there were 5,961 people with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in East Java. Then the number of deaths due to DHF was 67 people or 1.1 percent. In early January 2022 (1-5 January) there were 69 cases of dengue fever in East Java, without any deaths.

“The number of DHF sufferers will decrease in 2021, when compared to 2020. And for the beginning of this year it has reached 69,” said Head of the East Java Health Office, Dr Erwin Ashta Triyono.

Erwin added that the highest number of dengue fever sufferers in 2021 was Situbondo Regency as many as 475 people, then Jember Regency 392 people, Sidoarjo Regency 330 people, Bojonegoro Regency 323 people and Kediri Regency 271 people.

Meanwhile, the highest number of dengue fever deaths in 2021 was Nganjuk Regency with 9 people, Bojonegoro Regency 5 people, Malang Regency 5 people, Sidoarjo Regency 5 people, Pasuruan Regency 4 people and Situbondo Regency 4 people.

Erwin admitted that the efforts that had been made were to increase the role of the community for the Eradication of Mosquito Nests (PSN) Draining, Closing, Monitoring and Hoarding (3M Plus) through one house one jumantik activity. Then also coordinate with related sectors in efforts to prevent dengue fever.

“In addition, surveillance of dengue cases in the regions. Also prepare health service facilities, personnel and logistics in an effort to control dengue disease. And the East Java Governor’s Circular dated October 28, 2020 regarding DHF Precautions in the rainy season,” he explained.

Erwin further said that DHF is an infectious disease caused by the dengue virus transmitted by the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. According to him, the method of transmission of this mosquito gets the dengue virus when it bites or sucks the blood of a person who is sick with dengue or who has dengue virus in their blood, but does not show symptoms of illness.

“The inhaled dengue virus will multiply and spread throughout the mosquito’s body, including its salivary glands. When the mosquito bites or sucks the blood of another person, the virus is transferred along with the mosquito’s saliva. The dengue virus will attack small blood-clotting cells (capillaries), resulting in bleeding and lack of fluids and can even lead to shock,” he explained.

According to him, the symptoms of DHF are characterized by fever for 2-7 days accompanied by bleeding manifestations and a decrease in the number of platelets. Erwin said the factors influencing the spread of DHF were population density, population mobility and community behavior. (mouse / straight)

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