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At the age of 94: former member of the Knesset Edna Soloder passed away

At the age of 94: Edna Soloder, who served as a Knesset member on behalf of the formation, passed away today (Tuesday). She leaves behind an extensive legacy of activity – from fighting for the establishment of the state to joining the lobby in the Knesset for Yonatan Pollard.

Solder was born to Yitzhak Cohen and Liza Cheraksky in Kibbutz Ashdot Yaakov in 1930. Solder loved music throughout her life and learned to play the piano from a young age. Later, at the age of 16, she joined the defense and fought in the war of liberation as a liaison between the economy and the other settlements in the area, while the Jewish settlement in the area experienced a very severe attack by the Jordanian and Syrian armies.

At the end of the war she completed music and piano studies. At the end of his studies and for about 20 years as a music teacher in the settlements of the Jordan Valley. After she got married, she moved with her husband to Kibbutz Gesher, becoming his secretary in 1971-1967 and in 1978-1980. During her life in the kibbutz, Solder experienced severe terrorist attacks with the other members during the war of attrition.

During this period, Solder held meetings with various public and governmental bodies with the aim of helping the localities in her area of ​​residence. During the meetings, the former member of the Knesset began to act in various positions in the united kibbutz movement and the Knesset. She entered the Knesset for the first time in 1982. As part of her parliamentary activity, she helped establish a law with Yossi Sherid that reduced his immunity in relation to the branches of the law.

In 1986, Soloder was saved from an attempted attack on an El Al plane that made its way from London to Israel. Later in 1987 she founded the lobby for Pollard with MK Geula Cohen.

Solder retired from the Knesset, but continued to hold various positions in the Labor Party and the kibbutz movement. In 1999, on the 51st Independence Day of the State of Israel, she was among those lighting the beacons on Mount Herzl as a representative of the Knesset.

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