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At the age of 75, the composer Ladislav taidl, the author of the hit Karel Gott | Home

The musician Ladislav Taidl experienced the greatest events in the 1970s and 1980s, when he was a member of the Ladislav Taidl Orchestra and collaborated fully with Karel Gott. As a composer, he is the author of several major hits from Gott’s repertor.

Taidl made his way into the world of popular music in the first half of the 1960s, along with his two-year-old brother Jim. After graduation, he played taidl, who was captivated by the Beatles as a number of others, in Miki Volk’s band. Pot and his brother took part in the activities of the Olympic club and band, and also worked in the Karln Cultural Cabaret called Karkulka. In 1963 he got to the Semafor Theater, where he met Gott. Together with him and his brother, they founded the Apollo Theater in 1965, and the Ladislav Taidl Orchestra was formed from his musical ensemble.

The group played you at the Montreal World Expo 67, a big shower was the plural angam at the New Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas. Together with Gott, in 1971, after a tour of western Germany, he refused to return to normalized Czechoslovakia, but emigrated after the intervention of Gustav Husek’s communists.

Ladislav Taidl has a total of two hundred songs, mostly for Czech pop music stars at the time. His lyrics were often supplied by his brother Ji, who died in car accidents in 1973. Taidl thus wrote music for about 80 television and feature films and several series (Romance for the Crown, The Fall of the Wake Up, Tests of Adulthood). Besides Gott, his hits were sung by Helena Vondrkov, Ji Korn and Dalibor Janda. Kvu si osladm, Odnau se kat ne, Dm dlongu rnu, There are days when the world is about two, I have in your hair.

The Ladislav Taidl Orchestra, which in 1977 and 1978 won the then popular Zlat Slavk poll, played alongside Karel Gott, but also accompanied Jitka Zelenková and Vlasta Kahovcová. Since 1987, Taidl has collaborated with Iveta Barto, with whom he later married Arthur’s son for 13 years.

After November 1989, he grew up as a powerful museum of show business or condemned anti-crime demonstrations on television. “After the performance, when I naively wanted my children to grow up in peace and quiet, I was understandably out of the world of culture …,” he said in the late 1990s, adding that only “pr statench” led, that he did not commit anything unbelievable.

taidl was born in Stbrn Skalica near Szava, his father used to have a factory, which he fell for after 1948. He went to piano lessons with his brother to the brother of violin virtuoso Rafael Kubelek. In 1974, he married two marriages and a daughter, from marriages to his first-time Anna, who ended in 2001, and after a breakup with Iveta Bartoová.

In 2003, he attracted attention with the commemorative book Vno z hrozn. In the memoirs that Karel Gott described as a taidlv “duevn striptz”, he remembered you about the descents of his mistresses, especially from a number of popular songs. He blamed his ex-wife Anna for alcoholism, and in Bartoov he changed his infidelity and suicide attempts.

After 1989, Taidl was mainly engaged in his companies, among other things, he did business in cinema advertising, and in the late 1990s he was one of the pioneers in the sale of corn in Czech cinemas. He also worked, for example, in the company producing walls as well, he was an association of the company Prago – Tex, which has as its object the business purchase and sale of cultural monuments or the object of cultural value. taidl is known as a lover of visual arts, he owned a valuable collection.

taidl is sometimes referred to as a “normalized artist”. “I will not deal with it, just as I will not deal with it, if a good cardiologist who did not emigrate and keep his work at home was a ‘normalizer’. I was not in the party, I did not sign anything to the secret police, but This turned out to be clear, because in the business area, thanks to the genm after tt, I managed to go vtch spch not in show business, “said taidl TK in March 2015.

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