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At Red Bull they see Verstappen at the level of Jordan or Roger Federer

In a sport where precision and speed are translated into common language, Max Verstappen has raised the bar to a symbiosis between driver and machine.

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At just 26 years of age, three world titles Formula 1in search of the fourth, and after having debuted in the top category of motorsport at 16 years old, makes it one of the greatest natural talents in the history of motor sport.

A young man who He was promoted to the top category without having completed all the lower divisions (Formula 3 and 2), the youngest winner of a race in the history of Formula 1, and the winner of the most consecutive victories, He is undoubtedly one of the best drivers in the memorable book of motorsport.

For his particular driving style, his racing pace and his talent for mastering a single-seater, Red Bull technical director Pierre Wache said in an interview with Crash.Net that he considers the Dutchman’s abilities to be unique.

“He’s like all the legends in other sports. Some are able to do things that no one else can do, I don’t know how or why, but he can do it,” he said.

He also stressed that His level of significance in motor sport is as great as the legacy of other athletes considered legends in their respective disciplines.

“It’s like Roger Federer or Michael Jordan. They are people who can sometimes do impossible things… The driver is at the wheel of the car and has the ability to control it and drive it like no one else, but, in addition to driving, he has the extra ability to analyze things,” he said.

Max Verstappen Not only has he proven to be an exceptional pilot, but his ability to Understanding and adapting the car to his style is one of his main strengths. His skill goes beyond pure speed; it is a near-perfect attunement to the machine, allowing you to extract every ounce of performance available.

“His feedback is very interesting because he pushes the car to the limit and nobody else uses it like that. His insights are very important in terms of how we improve and how we solve problems, because basically building a fast car is not very difficult… The difficulty lies in the driver being able to exploit it. If I were in the car, I wouldn’t be able to get the most out of it. You have to be very specific when driving these cars,” concluded Pierre Wach.

Currently, Dutch is the third driver with the most victories in history, the fifth with the most Pole positions, the record holder for the most dominant season in Formula 1 historywith 19 wins in 22 Grands Prix in 2023, and the highest percentage of points in a single campaign.

Max Verstappen has transformed every track into a stage where talent and skill intertwine in a perfect dance. His career is not only measured in numbers, but in the ability to make the extraordinary seem routine. Like the great titans of sport, his impact transcends victories, shaping an era in which his name is synonymous with excellence. On par with the best, Verstappen is not just a driver, he is an unstoppable force that leaves a indelible mark on the history of motor racing.


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