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at only 21 years old, they launched their business of hand-sewn accessories

They are only 21 years old, and are already starting their own business. Alice Rocard and Lucie Launay, originally from Laval and Louvigné, launched a boutique of hand-sewn accessories last March, Over time 53. They offer scrunchies, cottons or washable paper towels, bookmarks, baskets … 100% reusable products.

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“We are really part of an ecological approach”, explains Alice Rocard. “In a lifetime, we use a lot of cottons for example, paper towel sheets are the same … Instead of having products that we throw away every day, _we offer reusable accessories, good for the planet, while remaining pretty_.”

Already a hundred orders in two months

Since the launch of the online store last March, the two young women have already honored a hundred orders. “At the beginning, it was mainly our relatives who made purchases, but little by little the circle widened. _We even had accessories ordered from Holland!_, rejoices the seamstress.

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The shop asks Alice Rocard and Lucie Launay a lot of work, while, at the same time, they both pursue higher education. “We often work in the evening, after school”, admits Alice Rocard. _ “_Sometimes we sew until 11:30 p.m. or midnight! But we don’t mind, it’s really a passion, and when you love you don’t count. “

Soon new accessories

For now, accessories for Au fil du temps 53 are only available on the Internet, through their Online Store or on social networks Instagram and Facebook. But young entrepreneurs are thinking about partnerships with local Laval boutiques, to exhibit their products. “In the meantime, we will continue to develop the brand, by offering new accessories”, assures Alice Rocard. “This summer, we would like to sell our products on the seaside markets. And why not have a year-round stand at the Laval market on Saturday mornings!”

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