The MVM Partner it is expected to close the most successful year in its history in 2023, and the goal is to make the outstanding profit-generating capacity of the last few years sustainable in the longer term.
According to Gábor Orbán, to achieve this goal, on the one hand, it is necessary to broaden the business spectrum. MVM Partner clearly needs to strengthen regionally, especially in the Balkans and Turkey. In addition, you must also include areas in your operational range that were not previously included in the MVM Partner profile.
In order to do this a strategic review will begin at the Partner in the fall, which affects the main business areas, with the aim of identifying growth opportunities and developing cooperation interfaces. As a result, the Group’s electricity wholesale vision is adjusted to the rapidly changing energy market conditions. This is essential in order to for MVM Partner to become a regionally dominant, competitive market player.
Gábor Orbán noted that the electricity market is going through a huge transformation, which places huge IT demands on the company, therefore the development of MVM Partner’s IT capabilities will be key in the coming years.
Source: MVM Partner Zrt.
The energy sector is currently experiencing a particularly turbulent period, the market is looking for a new period of balance after the great energy crisis. Of course, the MVM Partner must also be able to adapt to these conditions. According to Gábor Orbán, the next year or two will be spent in the search for balance in the worldthen it will become clear what kind of market optimum will result in the reorganized energy supply as a result of the European energy responses given and to be given to the war in Ukraine and the subsequent period.
In order for the company to successfully overcome obstacles, it must be aware of the trends. The European Union has voted in favor of electrification and green energy, which practically results in the relegation of fossil power plants to the background and the advance of renewables. This process also entails new types of tasks for the MVM Partner.
The phase-out of coal-fired power plants and the almost total ban or significant restriction of subsidies for new fossil investments means that, in the case of natural gas, the existing infrastructure can now be used, but a new one can be built under more difficult regulatory and financing conditions. Today, it seems that in a decade or two, fossil and green energy will be on the market as competitors of the same size.
At the same time, according to Gábor Orbán, we should not forget that nuclear energy will continue to be present in our lives. In his opinion, the green transition cannot be realized without it.
The manager believes that MVM Partner is an extremely exciting workplace, offering many opportunities for career starters and colleagues with professional experience. The company’s employees deal with different segments of the energy market, and they can improve their skills with a series of trainings. The resulting experience can be particularly useful for career starters. Gábor Orbán therefore encourages everyone to join the MVM Partner team.