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At least 400 tortoises died tragically in Buffalo Park

Hundreds of tortoises in the pond of Buffalo Park in Taibao City tragically died a few days ago in centipede cages. Relevant units of the Chiayi County Government are hunting for the murderer. The Animal Conservation Division of the County Government’s Agriculture Department said today that indiscriminate hunting of turtles may violate the Wildlife Conservation Law, and the maximum penalty is 300,000 yuan. Yuan fine.

At least 400 tortoises died tragically in Buffalo Park

Shi Huiling, head of the Livestock Conservation Section of the Agriculture Department of the Chiayi County Government, told reporters today that a few days ago, he received a report from the Taibao City Office that a large number of tortoises died in centipede cages in the big pond of Buffalo Park. They sent people to the scene and found 400 to 500 dead tortoises. .

Zheng Shufen, the mayor of Taibao, said that the office has sent people to pick up more than 10 centipede cages from the pond to avoid environmental pollution; the centipede cages are full of dead turtles.

Shi Huiling said that the perpetrator has not yet been found, and will continue to monitor and track down the murderer; indiscriminate hunting of turtles may violate the Wildlife Conservation Law. According to Articles 18 and 42 of the Animal Protection Law, those who harass and abuse conservation wild animals can be punished for less than one year. Fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention or a fine of NT$60,000 to NT$300,000.

Responsible editor: Yu Weining

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