Home » News » At Least 10 Adults and Nine Children Died in Tragic Bronx Building Fire | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

At Least 10 Adults and Nine Children Died in Tragic Bronx Building Fire | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

>> good afternoon. thanks foraccompany us. we started withfire occurred this morningin the building in the bronx.according to the firefighters, the flamesstarted shortly before 11a third floor apartment.from there it spread quickly.they are images. most ofthe victims were affectedby inhalation of smoke. this iswhat we know until themoment. 19 are reporteddeaths, including ninekids. in total there are 63victims, 32 people weretaken to the hospital withendangering injuriestheir lives have been toldfire commissioner. themost of the peoplesuffered severe inhalation ofsmoke.we have wide coverage ofteam and live from variousplaces we start with damarisThe recent one was attendedPress conference. goodlate. centanos, damaris.damaris: good afternoon. whichthe day. the new mayor saidone tragedy after another tragedyin the big apple and the only oneway we gon ‘get through thisis if we are united. thegovernor also saidpresent at this conference ofpress and said he could speakwith some of the familiesvictims. one of thevictims, others who losttheir families. said he spokewith the mother who lost herfamily. that the problem startedon the second floor of thisbuilding with a heatercaught fire. the fault fell on themran away when the firethey plowed and left the dooropen and that was the seriousproblem because smoke filledthe entire building quickly.many people tried toget out, but they couldn’tbreathe.rescuers as forms of200 firefighters that arrived.five alarms in the bronxsoon came from otherunits to helpthese families that live here.this 19-story building.also the neighbors of the areathey wanted to help in this work.He is Giénez who lives in iteverything ?>> good night. verydisastrous. it was amazing whatWhat was happening . noit gave time to think.>> and while people weredid you come in?>> I managed to enter through the floor of thestart and stay therehelping people toto go outside.>> you say that peopleshe was suffocated.yes >>. children came out infire brigade arms and alsofirefighters who weresuffocating.>> the mayor says that the onlyway we are going to overcomethese tragedies is joining us andthat’s what you managed to do inthis day. you are an hero innew York.>> I don’t really consider myself ahero. I consider myself a humansoon we have tohelp us and the middle, as youI mean, I wanted to do it more thanI could. entrust me to god fortell me what you had thatdo.>> you helped so many people andthat’s what theGovernor just minutes ago.help is coming, what is therefunds for familiesvictims. still doinspections. there were people duringall day waiting for newsof the firefighters who remainat the cop scenethinking that at the time they were goingto be able to go up to theirdepartments. some unitsthat were not filled with smoke,but that is not a reality thatnow they are in the shelters,they don’t have the house towhere to arrive. we willbe very attentive. this is foreverybody. that’s what they saidtoday. also tofederal level will be helpingto people’s familieswho lost their loved onesdear ones in the bronxárabe thatthey will be with them in thesesuch difficult moments.Huge losses. a fire thatit could have been prevented. is aproblem we are seeing,the extensions and in a seconda tragedy can happen likeis. one of the fires isforts in the cityof new york in the timesmodern. one of the questionswhat did i do to the mayor duringthe conference is that we knowthat there are laws that state thatthese doors in thesebuildings where dozens livefamilies have to closeautomatically. when there is oneemergency or when the personthat door has to beto close. that did not stop. that’ssomething they are investigatingto see what happened. is somethingthat could have saved thelives of those 10 children, of those19 people in total whothey are still in the hospitalbattling life anddeath and the families that todayI’m in mourning.the whole city is in mourning.It’s something we all feel

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