Home » today » News » At its first meeting: the “Donev” cabinet canceled three decisions of the “Petkov” cabinet and approved a plan-account for the elections – Politics

At its first meeting: the “Donev” cabinet canceled three decisions of the “Petkov” cabinet and approved a plan-account for the elections – Politics

The office with the Prime Minister Dove DonevGalab Donev was born in 1967 in Sofia. Graduated from the 35th Russian Language High School in Sofia. held its first regular meeting today.

Here are the decisions taken by the official ministers:

The Council of Ministers appointed its representatives in the NSTS

The Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policies and Minister of Labor and Social Policy Lazar Lazarov and the Minister of Finance Rositsa Velkova-Zheleva have been appointed as representatives of the government in the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation. This was decided by the official cabinet at its first regular meeting.

The change in the composition of the representatives of the Council of Ministers in the NSTS is made in connection with the presidential decree on the appointment of a caretaker government of August 2, 2022.

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Three decisions that were not finalized by the previous Council of Ministers were cancelled

The government canceled three decisions that were not finalized by the previous composition of the Council of Ministers. The following are cancelled: decision under Item 16 of Protocol No. 19 of the meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 5, 2022; decision under item 6 of Protocol No. 29 of the meeting of the Council of Ministers of July 13, 2022; decision under Item 46 of Protocol No. 31 of the meeting of the Council of Ministers of July 28, 2022.

The decision of the government meeting on May 5 concerns the gratuitous transfer of the right to property – private state property – to the municipality of Yambol, Yambol region. The decision of July 13 refers to the organization and coordination of the process of talks and preparatory activities for the accession of Bulgaria to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. With the decision adopted on July 28, a draft Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Financial Instruments Markets was approved.

The three decisions were adopted by the Council of Ministers with the amendments, additions and clarifications made in them, in accordance with Article 48 of the Administrative Regulations of the Council of Ministers and its administration. According to the accepted acts, the importers have not prepared and presented final texts and have not presented reworked reasons in accordance with the amendments, additions and clarifications made in them.

Due to the importance of the decision for the organization and coordination of the process of talks and preparatory activities for Bulgaria’s accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the government will consider it again at its next meeting.

The plan-account for the expenses for the preparation and production of the elections for people’s representatives on October 2 was approved

The government approved the plan-account for the costs of the preparation and production of the elections for people’s representatives on October 2, 2022. The approved funds amount to BGN 70.5 million. Activities that will be financed with them include: preparation and printing of voter lists; purchase and production of the necessary election papers and materials; printing of bulletins; logistical support for regional and municipal administrations and the administration of the Council of Ministers; remuneration of the members of the district and section election commissions; the computer processing of the voting data and the issuance of a ballot with the election results; holding an explanatory campaign about the rights and obligations of citizens and the way of voting.

The government is ready to provide the necessary funds when the Central Electoral Commission makes a decision to introduce video surveillance in the polling stations, as well as when concluding contracts for logistics and technical support of specialized devices for electronic machine voting and for other materials and accompanying activities to ensure machine voting.

The act of the government is in fulfillment of Art. 18 of the Electoral Code. The necessary funds for the financing of the expenses approved with the plan-account will be provided at the expense of restructuring expenses and/or transfers under the central budget for 2022.

The government adopted a decision on the preparation and holding of the elections on October 2

The Council of Ministers adopted a decision on the preparation and production of the elections for the National Assembly on October 2, 2022.

The decision assigns to the Deputy Prime Minister for Public Order and Security and the Minister of the Interior the coordination of the implementation of the activities in connection with the organizational and technical preparation of the elections, including the activities of coordinating with the Central Election Commission the terms and conditions for the preparation, delivery and the storage of election papers and materials, as well as the storage of technical devices for machine voting. The Minister of the Interior should organize the implementation of the activities under the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in connection with the preparation and production of the elections.

The Minister of Finance must submit to the Council of Ministers a draft tariff by which the parties, coalitions and initiative committees pay for the pre-election broadcasts on the Bulgarian National Television and the Bulgarian National Radio and their regional centers.

According to the government’s decision, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works coordinates the preparation and publication of electoral lists, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs organizes the preparation and production of the elections outside the country.

The Minister of Justice organizes the activities for the preparation and production of the elections in the places of deprivation of liberty. The Minister of Justice is also entrusted with the issuing of the criminal decrees under Art. 496, para. 3, sentence two of the Electoral Code.

If necessary, the Minister of Health, in agreement with the Chief State Health Inspector, should determine temporary anti-epidemic measures related to the election process.

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The decision of the Council of Ministers also stipulates that the Deputy Prime Minister for Public Order and Security and the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, the Minister of Health and the Minister of Justice should inform the Prime Minister about the progress of the preparation of the elections until the announcement of the election results.

The organizational rules of the Council of Ministers are amended according to the structure of the new cabinet

The government adopted changes to the Rules of Procedure of the Council of Ministers and its administration.

The changes reflect the changes in the structure of the Council of Ministers pursuant to the decree issued by the President on the appointment of a caretaker government from August 2, 2022.


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