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“At iShop Apple Premium Reseller we sell around 10,000 phones per year”

13 years ago it arrived iShop Apple Premium Reseller with its first store in the Gran Estación shopping center. Since then, Apple’s after-sales service, personalized attention, and product experts company hasn’t stopped growing. It currently has 29 stores nationwide, located in major cities.

“In the last three years we have only opened one store a year on average, it has been a bit lower, but the idea is to recover in terms of speed, so we focus on setting up new stores in the centers. commercial “, said María Eugenia Vargas, general manager of Ishop Colombia.

From 2018 to today in 2022, the growth was 50%, as indicated. The categories of mobile phones, desktop computers and hearing aids showed double-digit growth. Despite the drop in sales due to brick-and-mortar closures during the pandemic, the store leveraged sales made through online shopping.

In this way, since 2009 the company has managed to provide more than 400 jobs and services to more than 10,000 people a day. Their big bet is the mobile phones which, for this year, the best seller is the iPhone 13. Thanks to this push, they expect a closure with an increase of 30%, compared to the previous year.

In terms of challenges, the company is clear that inflation is one of them, but it does not let its guard down and continues to aim for greater market share. “We have a strong brand and we hope to continue strengthening it,” added Vargas.

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