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At home: Zoltán Tarr: I did not “Peterize” the church, I spoke in its defense in front of hundreds of thousands of people

At home: Zoltán Tarr: I didn’t “Peterize the Hungarians” the church, I spoke in its defense in front of hundreds of thousands of people | hvg.hu

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April 2024. 10. 12:12 April 2024. 10. 12:33 At home

The reformed minister was aware that his speech could have consequences.

“I spoke in front of hundreds of thousands of people in the interest and protection of the church, out of concern for the church,” said Reformed pastor Zoltán Tarr in the Popular wordson, noting that he did not make a speech out of sudden excitement at the demonstration organized by Péter Magyar on Saturday. In his speech, he sharply criticized the operation of the Reformed Church and Zoltán Balog, who was involved in the grace scandal, whom he asked to “draw the appropriate consequence, which cannot be other than resigning from his episcopal office.”

Tarr said his speech may have had a lot to do with him being fired from his job at a state-owned technology company, effective Monday. In response to this, former State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Tamás Menczer, the newly appointed communications director of Fidesz, simply asked: “Why should the government trust a person who wants to overthrow it?!”

Menczer does not understand why it is a problem that Zoltán Tarr was fired

According to Tarr, his speech at Péter Magyar’s rally on Saturday was the reason for his removal.

“I think that you can’t always be silent, be afraid and sit in the green bushes, meet the expectations,” the Reformed minister replied to the suggestion that he spoke at the demonstration even though he was aware that there could be consequences for his stand. “I live in this country, I also counted on this,” he added.

Zoltán Tarr also spoke about the fact that he had previously asked Zoltán Balog for a personal meeting, but his letters remained without a meaningful response. After his speech, he received “very positive and affirming feedback” from many, who were grateful to him for apologizing to the victims of Bicske. However, among the “twenty-four” – who previously issued the statement urging Balog’s departure – opinions are divided, because there is a debate about how much his speech positions the topic in a political space.

I always claim that I did not “Peterize” the church. On the other hand, Péter Magyar also thinks: what happened with the Reformed was to a large extent the trigger, the starting point for many people, regardless of the church, in other areas to say, now it’s enough, we’ve had enough of the hypocrisy and the misleading

Tarr noted.







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“Orbán has been an effective politician for a long time. This makes the events of last week even more confusing,” he wrote.

If Péter Magyar is really capable of forming a coalition, sooner or later a choice must be made between the other two actors. The lesser evil.

The representative wrote about the investment in 2022, which on paper is 600, but according to him, is only worth a few tens of millions of forints.

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