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at Gare de Lyon, departures kick off


Video length: 1 min.

Article written by

E. Tixier, N. Metauer, S. Sonder

France 3

France Televisions

Saturday February 18, many people were present in the Parisian stations, a large number of families preferred to take the train to go on vacation. Report at the Gare de Lyon (Paris).

At the Gare de Lyon (Paris), on the morning of February 18, it was the start of the holidays in contained chaos. “We hope we will have good weather and good snow and then we will be able to spend time with the children which is not always the case during the year”, says a traveler. On this first day of the holidays, more than 140,000 travelers are expected at the Gare de Lyon alone.

More than 7 million tickets sold by SNCF

It’s the start of a well-deserved rest for some. “Going to the mountains feels good, leaving Paris for a bit and resting, seeing a bit of the landscape”, rejoices a vacationer. In these winter holidays, the traditional destination is the ski resort. But 40% of additional reservations have been recorded towards the Côte-d’Azur. The south is also on the coast for Parisians. Holidays or simple weekends, over the winter period, more than seven million tickets were sold by the SNCF.

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