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At Florida, “we’re finally breathing” with Gaël Faye

Maximum level at 75% Friday evening. A concert with a particular resonance, with a watchword: down the masks!

In front of the Florida, an impressive queue stretched for several meters on Friday evening. After presentation of the health pass, the atmosphere was imbued with impatient expectation. From the first part of the rapper Arm, we felt like a feverishness, a tension. No masks, and spectators standing at the foot of the stage. Something we didn’t dare hope to see again. It was as if the pandemic never happened.

Happiness is more contagious than the Covid

Applause, enthusiastic whistles, then the second part: appearance of the tall slim figure of Gaël Faye, beaming smile and kid’s eyes amazed by the vision offered to his gaze, a room filled with young people, not so young, women and men with their faces uncovered.

Happiness is more contagious than the Covid. That of Gaël Faye and his musicians spread throughout the public. From the first notes of “Mal Monday”, taken from his last eponymous album, the spectators seemed to rediscover old forgotten habits. Enjoy music, dance, and most importantly, breathe. “Respire”, another title of “Lundi méchant”, has a particular resonance in this context. Breathe, both literally and figuratively, thanks to a concert synonymous with parenthesis, ventilation in the middle of everyday life. Ventilation that had never been so essential!

Between energy and poetry

Supported by his excellent musicians (Guillaume Poncelet on the piano and brilliance on the trumpet, Luxor on the machines and Samuel Kamanzi on the guitar and vocals), Gaël Faye fully lived this moment, leading the public to enjoy the evening with him (” but how beautiful it is! “, shouted a spectator at the foot of the stage). Beauty, too, clearly visible during “Petit Pays” – let us remember her novel, Prix Palissy by the way… -, led by Samuel Kamanzi’s acoustic guitar, and during “Seul et vaincus”, Christiane’s poem Taubira. Nice moment of emotion in a dynamic concert. Descended into the crowd, Gaël Faye offered two hours of energy and poetry.

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