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At age 40, how does our body change?

The physical condition of our people When you reach the age of 40, what changes begin to occur? The answer is generally at the age of 40, many people will begin to have improved vision. and decreased hearing, dry skin, and feeling physically weak than before Some people begin to be able to hold their urine less. And for some women The hormone estrogen decreases must face hot flashes and difficult to sleep

Research from many foreign health institutions at the website healthdigest.com In summary, it is shown that The human physical condition changes at the age of 40 in interesting ways as follows:

– condition of reduced muscle mass In fact, our human body deteriorates with increasing age. You don’t have to wait until you’re 40 years old. For example, from the age of 30 onwards, our average muscle mass decreases by about 5 percent every 10 years. Some people may experience a loss of muscle mass. and decreased muscle strength As for ways to prevent or help delay the loss of muscle mass with increasing age, it is Eating enough protein and exercise To make the muscles stronger

– Dry skin and wrinkles, that is, the external condition of the body is starting to become clear. And also has dark circles around the eyes. Under-eye bags become more visible and crow’s feet appear because the moisture under the skin decreases. And many people have spent their lives in the past. In a way that exposes the body and skin to sunlight and weather conditions for many seasons During this age period, it is important to apply skin cream after washing your face. And that’s even more necessary. is to apply sunscreen

– Nerve compression disease in the wrist is one of the most popular diseases As age keeps increasing Especially in the age group of 40-60 years, some people may have symptoms on one wrist. But some people are on both sides. Some people experience numbness all the way to the palm and thumb. It is also because the hands are used in the same position for a long time, such as using computer equipment for a long time. But in some cases, it may be caused by an underlying disease such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.

– Hair is thinner because our hair is different. Many people besides finding white hair Or gray hair starts to appear at around 30 years of age, or some people start at around 40 years of age. But what is certain is that when they are 40 years old, they will notice that their hair is thinner. Men will notice their hair thinning faster. It starts at the age of 35 years. For women, it may begin to be noticed at the age of almost 50 years.

– Menstruation is not the same. Many women, when they reach 40 years of age, begin to notice the difference. Menstrual cycles change, for example, some people’s menstrual cycles are longer. Some people come for a few days. It’s gone faster than before. or came less than before or more than before It doesn’t come regularly, maybe except for some months. Some people also experience hot flashes. which is a sign of approaching menopause

– Symptoms of brain fatigue such as forgetfulness and poor concentration, which for women may be due to menopause. And for both men and women, it is caused by stress and insomnia.

– Teeth and gums become weaker because various cells Slowly repairs itself The gums became thinner.

– Urinary incontinence has decreased. Because of pelvic floor prolapse Especially women who are mothers and approaching menopause There will be a greater risk of having this symptom. You will notice that when you cough or sneeze. or exercising, there may be symptoms of urinary incontinence Or when you feel the urge to urinate, you can’t hold it in. and must rush to the bathroom immediately

– Infections in the urinary system It happens easily in groups that are getting older. There are both mild and severe symptoms, such as fever, loss of appetite, nausea, and side pain, which must be consulted with a doctor for treatment.

– Easy weight gain Because when you’re 40 years old, your metabolism decreases. and easily accumulates fat An easy way to prevent this is to reduce your sugar intake. Reduce sweet foods Exercise regularly And most importantly, don’t be stressed.

– Muscle aches It may be common among the elderly. But you must watch for symptoms. To see what the cause is, such as osteoarthritis, degeneration of the cervical disc. A herniated disc and most importantly, if you have a fever and frequent headaches like never before There is numbness in the hands and feet, fatigue easily, pain in the legs all the way to the back. You must be careful. and should see a doctor

Reference information: healthdigest.com, Harvard Medical School, webmd.com

2023-11-24 03:11:09

#age #body #change

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