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At 88, she looks mind-boggling


At 88, she looks mind-boggling! When you see her, your first thought can only be one: “No, there is no way this woman is over 60!”. But Lebanon’s Nahida Abden is 88, and this year she is preparing to celebrate her 89th birthday, hoping the pandemic will thwart her plans for a noisy party with friends in her hometown of Beirut.

If it weren’t for Nahida’s passion for sports, her daily workouts in the gym, her work as a fitness instructor and, indeed, this amazing appearance and fitness, no one would have paid attention to her story, and she is just impressive.

“I started exercising when I was 50. I was in severe pain in one knee and the doctor recommended exercise. With great reluctance and discomfort, I went to the gym. My son-in-law and grandson accompanied me,” admits the Lebanese, who is an absolute hit in all health and fitness training forums on the Internet.

Nahida has four children, her eldest son is already 60. She has been a widow for 40 years, but with a lot of perseverance and perseverance, she runs her own business – she has a clothing brand and a textile factory.

“Age is just a number for me. I forget how old I am. It never mattered to me. When I started playing sports I felt an incredible shame, but gradually I overcame it and the desire to achieve something with my body, the feeling that with everyone the next day I feel better emotionally, they guided me and did not allow me to find a good excuse and stay at home, “says the Lebanese.

Nahida’s perseverance gives her the courage to enroll in a fitness instructor course. He graduated with honors. When she receives her diploma, she is now sure: “It would not be fair to God to hang this diploma on the wall without it serving other women like me. I started working on my new specialty to set an example for my peers that we are not doomed to be just housewives spinning by the stove and serving at home. God has given me this mission. “

Sport gives strength to the spirit of Nahida from Beirut to fight cancer. When he went for surgery, the doctors were shocked: “They started taking pictures of me because I was singing and dancing, and after a while I had to lie down on the operating table.”

Nahida is also criticized by the public that at her age, her place is far from in the gym, nor does her clothes fit on her body – sports leggings and bodysuits that are suitable for young, athletic girls, but not for grandmothers like her.

“I’m constantly told that I need to be more feminine. But here I am, I’m feminine and gentle enough. I take care of myself. In the morning, before I go to work, I stop in front of the mirror and put light makeup on For yourself, for self-confidence “, says Nahida, who has a special message to all women who always find an excuse to stay on the couch and leave the visit in the hall for” tomorrow “:

“Dear girls, if you think you were born to eat, drink, work and sleep, you are wrong. Your life is given to be much more than that. The choice of wasting it unsatisfied with yourself, but constantly looking for something to justify laziness is all yours! “

3 thoughts on “At 88, she looks mind-boggling”

  1. Just curious. Did she have a face lift too or cosmetic procedures? It seems impossible that she looks so much younger in her face from exercising her body. I’m not sure that’s possible. She has no bags, her jawline is good & cheeks still high & full.

  2. Robin, look at her arms, and hair. No flab, no wrinkles NOTHIN. This has to prove something, Unless she botoxed the heck out of her arms too :O But hoax? I do wonder THAT, like maybe she really is just a healthy 39 year old. Face lifts mess up the face after a while though. Cosmetic surgeries cause trouble (especially after 40 i would think, unless its very small cosmetic surgery).


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