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At 19, Kristan became the youngest mayor of Bavaria · Dlf Nova

Kristan was just 19 years old when he was elected mayor. In conversation, he tells us about himself and his role in a political office.

Kristan von Waldenfels was elected mayor in Lichtenberg, Bavaria (around 1000 residents) in 2020. For many this came as a surprise. Kristan herself stayed on the ground. “When I meet up with friends, of course I’m just Kristan.” Why did Kristan want to be mayor?

“I really enjoy working with other people for what is close to my heart – my home.”

Kristan von Waldenfels, the youngest mayor of Bavaria

From the classroom to the office

Kristan had already been politically active as a student and class representative during his school days. So the mayor’s office was just the next logical step. According to Kristan, many people initially did not trust him in this position due to his young age.

In order to build trust in the residents of Lichtenberg, Kristan then proactively went from house to house and introduced himself. “I showed myself the way I am,” he says, looking back.

Because: Kristan believes that regardless of age, election to political office should be much more about passion and the ability to get people excited about a certain cause.

Kristan knows that many people have also welcomed his young age. “The promise of departure that the young age brings with it – that was the motto with which we went into the election – ‘Departure for Lichtenberg’.” It is not just about ideas, but also about backing them up with knowledge and competence.

“Just as anyone who – at whatever age – comes to the office of mayor has to get used to it, a 19-year-old has to do the same.”

Kristan von Waldenfels, the youngest mayor of Bavaria

In addition to his voluntary mayor’s job, Kristan is also studying economics. He has always been interested in what goes on in the economy – especially now: “In the corona situation, you absolutely have to know in order to make decisions.”

For Kristan, commuting between the university and town hall is a challenge in terms of time. “You have to be committed and ready to invest time on the weekends or in the evenings.” Since his studies are very flexible online, especially during the pandemic, the balancing act is successful.

It’s all about conviction

For other young people who are striving for a path similar to Kristan’s, the mayor has a tip: He firmly believes that conviction, ideas and ambition are what is needed first and foremost.

“Age is often seen as a bigger role than what it actually plays.”

Kristan von Waldenfels, the youngest mayor of Bavaria

He does not rule out that Kristan will still be in office 50 years from now. The great thing about local politics is the closeness to the people and that you can help shape and change a city or municipality over a long period of time.

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