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At 16, an Italian high school student discovers a new star from his home

Recently, Lorenzo Sassano discovered a new star. So far nothing exceptional, one is tempted to think, imagining that he is an expert astronomer. Except that Lorenzo Sassano is actually a 16-year-old high school student who made this discovery, alone, at home, he says International courier, get information from Courier of the Evening.

The star discovered by Lorenzo Sassano is located in the Carina Nebula, 1,480 light-years from Earth. The young Italian is an amateur astronomer, he collaborates with an observatory located not far from the city of Vicenza, where he resides. The high school student said so Corriere della Sera be allowed to observe the sky from home, not being able to go to the observatory every day due to his schedule. He says he discovered the new star “before Christmas,” indicating that it had “a temperature of 10,800°C” and a variable brightness “with a period of a day and a half.”

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The discovery validated by a prestigious association

Stefano Lora, researcher and head of student work at the observatory, says it is a “scientifically important” discovery. He then took on the task of announcing the existence of the star to the American Association of Variable Stars, a reference institution for astronomers from all over the world. After carrying out the checks, the association validated the discovery of the young teenager.

The new star was baptized with the barbarous name of “MarSec2_V2”, to the chagrin of Lorenzo Sassano who would have preferred it to bear his name. The young man can still boast of having made an exceptional discovery, especially at his age. What does a destiny all traced out by a great astronomer offer him? I’m not sure, the young man is even hesitant to embrace a career as a doctor or computer scientist.

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