Home » today » News » at 118 km / h instead of 50 km / h on boulevard du BAB

at 118 km / h instead of 50 km / h on boulevard du BAB

The motorcyclists CRS Sud-Ouest of the Pau detachment carried out an operation of speed control with interception on boulevard du BAB, Thursday April 30.

One hour, they found fifteen offenses at speeds above 85 km / h, on this axis today limited to 50 km / h.

Sad record

The sad record goes to this motorist controlled at 118 km / h. Having already been the subject of various speeding tickets and two suspensions, this 29-year-old man from Boucau has seen himself withdraw driver’s license, pending the sanction of the prefect who will define the duration of this new suspension.

No legal recidivism

He nevertheless escapes legal recidivism, since five years have passed since his last suspension in March 2015.

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