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Asturias runs out of bullfights | Radio Asturias

The Mayor of Gijón has announced that it will not renew the concession of the “El Bibio” plaza after two extensions and that it is not planned to tender that concession for new bullfighting seasons. Ana González consider that “several red lines have been crossed” after, in the recently concluded Begoña bullfighting fair, two bulls called ‘Feminista’ and ‘Nigeriano’ were fought on Sunday.

The mayor also recalls the growing rejection of the people of Gijón towards bullfighting and considers that it should be taken into account.

The Popular Party of the city has announced that it will promote a collection of signatures in support of bullfighting associations and groups, at the same time that it will study, from the legal point of view, the decision of the mayor that the president of the popular Gijón, Pablo Gonzalez, has described as ideological imposition. The PP adds that the fair is not subsidized, generates employment and contributes to the city having a rich and varied cultural offer. The popular ones announce that, within two years, that is, when according to their forecasts they govern in the Gijon town hall, they will organize the best bullfighting fair for the city.

From Vox Asturias, its president and parliamentary spokesperson, Ignacio Blanco, considers that the suppression of the bullfighting fair is another example of the sectarianism of the current corporation and, adds, that the bullfighting tradition of the city is much more relevant than that of the marginal group that opposes these festivities.


In relation to another bullfighting celebration, the bullfight that is scheduled to take place this coming Sunday 22nd in Cangas de Onis, the spokesmen of Izquierda Unida and Podemos in the General Meeting, Angela Vallina and Rafael Palacios, urge its paralysis to the Government of the Principality.

Both parliamentarians denounce that the bullfight lacks the mandatory documentation, as the place of its celebration or the allowed capacity has not been clarified, with the addition that tickets are being sold for minors.

More than six hundred tickets have already been sold for this bullfight and several animalistic groups delivered yesterday, at the Cangas de Onís Town Hall, of more than 53,000 signatures against this event. For Friday they have called a new protest rally before the town hall.

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