Home » today » News » Asturias delays the curfew at 11 pm, extends the hours of hospitality and reopens hotels | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

Asturias delays the curfew at 11 pm, extends the hours of hospitality and reopens hotels | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

The measures to fight the health crisis will relax on Asturias. The announcement was made by President of the Principality, Adrián Barbón, during question time in the regional chamber. The Curfew will go from 10 pm to 11 pm, hotel business hours will be extended and hotels and rural accommodation will be reopened.

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Listen to Adrián Barbón, pte Principado, relaxation measures COVID-19 on Play SER

When will these changes go into effect? The forecast that the Executive manages is that the change in curfew go into effect next Saturday -Since the beginning of November the Principality kept the schedule at maximum, between 10 pm and 6 am- although, on the rest of the issues, the details will be known this Thursday through a press conference of the Ministry of Health. What has led Asturias to relaxation? Barbón has assumed the arrival of the fourth wave since the community is not alien to what happens in the rest of Europe, but has pointed out that the decision has been adopted after listening to the experts who advise the regional government.

Refering to hostelry, there has been no more concretion than a modification of the norm. Currently, bars and restaurants close at 8:00 p.m. -the customer service ends at 7:30 p.m.-, tables are limited to four people, chairs must keep a distance of two meters and the bars are canceled for the consumption. What It is being considered a schedule extension, at least on terraces, a space in which the experts have never raised problems, although some voices already showed their rejection when the possibility of equating the terrace hours to that of supermarkets (at 9 pm) was considered a few weeks ago.

“We must begin to promote the importance of the use of terraces as a way to reduce or minimize the risks of contagion”, has argued the head of the Asturian Executive, who has also announced that, past Easter Given the risk posed by increased mobility, the Government has also agreed reopen all tourist accommodation. Asturias has been the only autonomous community that has not allowed inland tourism during the festivities.

What the regional chief executive has insisted on is the good result of the measures as “Thousands of infections have been prevented and thousands of lives saved” and it has been achieved that the peak of infections will not exceed 656 cases per 100,000 inhabitants when in other communities such as Valencia, Castile and Leon O Murcia they reached the 1.400.

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