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Astrophysics Breakthrough: Young Scientist discovers Massive 1.3 Billion Light Year Ring of Galaxies

There is no article in a serious publication yet – they are preparing it – but the report at the American Astronomical Society is already being discussed both in observatories and in kitchens.

Imagine a ring, which, like pebbles on the seashore, is lined with galaxies. And the diameter of this ring is an unfathomable 1.3 billion (yes, billion) light years. The ring is so huge that if the galaxies were brighter, we would see a circle in the night sky fifteen times the diameter of the full Moon. This circle is located on the border of the constellations Ursa Major and Bootes, which means it never enters our latitudes.

Why wasn’t it noticed before, and what does this even mean?

The discovery was made by a young scientist Alexia Lopez. She is so young that some media outlets still call her a graduate student. But she is no longer a graduate student, but a full-fledged working scientist.

This ring is so far from Earth that the galaxies themselves are not visible. But Lopez studied quasars. Or quasi-stellar radio objects. These are very bright formations in which catastrophic processes occur. And a lot of energy is released. Therefore, they can be seen from afar. It’s clear: if we find a quasar somewhere, it must be in some galaxy; it’s not the only one hanging out in the sky. There is a quasar – there is also a galaxy, it’s just far away and we don’t see it.

And to her surprise, she discovered that quasars, that is, galaxies, are arranged in a ring. It has already been dubbed the Big Ring. This cannot be a coincidence, Lopez said at the hearing.

I wrote “to my surprise,” but perhaps she was less surprised than you might think. After all, it was she who, back in 2021, found the first formation of its kind, the Great Arc. And it is located there, in the constellation Bootes. And, if you look at the map, it turns out that the arc is like the outer contour of the Great Ring. And all this resembles waves that diverge from a stone falling into the water.


Scientists are ready for something new, but they rely on what has been proven. When scientists talk about the Universe and its origin, they refer to the standard model. And the basis of this model is that the Universe as a whole is homogeneous. There may be some fluctuations, but they will be small.

If the Universe is in fact heterogeneous, the standard model can be thrown out. It won’t work.

Scientists already know in principle that the Universe is not as homogeneous as we would like. An example is the Great Wall of Hercules, a cluster of galaxies that resembles a line (wall). But the ring is already something beyond the bounds.

“It is unlikely that these data will immediately send the standard model to the scrap heap,” Lopez said at the speech. “But we cannot constantly ignore more and more new facts.” The standard model must be modified or upgraded.

To understand: the standard model is the Big Bang, the expansion of the Universe, in general, everything that is constantly mentioned and endlessly harped on in popular and not so popular works. Everything that has been acquired through back-breaking labor by world science over the 20th century is sent, if not to a landfill, then to the archives.

By and large, the standard model with its Big Bang has been standing on chicken legs for a long time, they just prefer not to notice it. Because the universe is expanding differently than the standard model predicted, scientists have introduced two agents, dark matter and dark energy, that supposedly intervene and bring calculations into reality. But the thing is that dark matter and energy are fundamentally unobservable.

Stop. When UFO supporters come up with their murky photographs, science brushes them off because “there is not enough collected data,” and in general, show the alien’s shoes and we’ll discuss. And then science itself introduces something that, in principle, can never be observed, and everything is fine? Of course, everyone understands that the standard model is doomed. But with dark matter it’s so convenient… But with the Big Ring it’s already inconvenient.


Of course, supporters of a populated Universe have become quite animated and say: The Big Ring was built artificially. Oddly enough, there is nothing unscientific about this assumption.

In fact, in the 1950s, scientists took the question seriously. Here civilization is developing and developing. What will she do when she straightens her shoulders? And they came to the conclusion that they would build some astro-engineering facilities.

The first thing it will do is try to intercept all the light from its star. How much energy from the Sun hits Earth? Millionths of a percent. How much of this falls on seas and deserts, and how much of it falls on solar panels? Billionths of a percent. So why not build a sphere that completely surrounds the star and absorbs everything?

This was called a Dyson sphere, and such spheres were actively searched for. Several years ago it was suspected that there was such a sphere in the constellation Cygnus. A certain star acted as if she was gradually being closed down. Don’t stand under the boom, work is underway. Nothing could be proven. There was also a natural explanation. In general, the matter is stuck.

What if an even more powerful civilization moves galaxies and puts them in a ring. And the Arc, which is nearby, turns out to be an unfinished ring. Why do they need this? I have no idea. If I knew, I would be an alien myself. But in principle – yes or no?

In principle, of course, yes, but this is already the level of space-time control. These are not our chemical fuel engines, and not even photonic or nuclear engines. This is the level of Tsiolkovsky’s “ethereal people”, who, like heavenly angels, command the very essence of existence. And nothing in modern physics contradicts this possibility.

The Earth is constantly covered by gravitational waves. That is, here, everywhere, the structure of space-time changes for a short time. It will be ten years since we have been able to detect them. And we say: well, this is some kind of disaster. Supernova explosions. But we don’t see the disasters themselves. They are somewhere far away. Do these disasters exist? What if we are seeing the echo of a great construction project?

Good questions. My opinion is that the Big Ring was built not by aliens, but by nature, but how did she do it? We don’t know this, and if so, we can assume anything.

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