Sunday, April 30 2023 – 07:00 WIB
LIVE Techno – A group of astrophotographers captured this stunning image of the recent Hybrid Solar Eclipse seen over Australia last week.
The image not only shows off ghostly filaments from the Sun’s corona or outer atmosphere, but also captures a glimpse of an eruption of magnetic plasma known as a coronal mass ejection (CME), which explodes away from the Sun.
The rare eclipse that occurs on April 20 is known as a Hybrid Solar Eclipse because it consists of two separate eclipses occurring at the same time.
These include Total Solar Eclipses —a brief but complete occultation of the sun and Annular Solar Eclipses, which are longer but incomplete eclipses in which a halo of plasma remains visible around the moon.
Even though eclipses occur at the same time, most observers can only see one or the other, depending on their location. A total eclipse can only be seen by people directly aligned with the Moon and Sun.
Most people will see an Annular Eclipse instead. It was the first Hybrid Solar Eclipse in more than a decade, quoting from the Live Science website, Sunday 30 April 2023.
Coronal hole at the Sun’s equator.
2023-04-30 00:00:00
#Caught #Solar #Corona #Erupting #Yesterdays #Hybrid #Solar #Eclipse