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Astronomers have discovered the oldest star yet

Scientists from the international team, using NASA’s Hubble Telescope, have discovered the most distant star in space. The star, named Earendel, which means “morning star” in Old English, is 13 billion light-years from Earth. This broke the distance record held by the star Icarus, discovered nine billion light-years away and discovered in 2018. Astronomers are excited and look forward to learning more about the history of the universe.

Astronomers who found the star claim that the discovery could reveal the secrets of a hitherto unknown era of the universe. “NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has detected the light of a star that existed during the first billion years after the birth of the universe after the Big Bang,” she said. NASA on its website. The previous record holder, Icarus, was created when the universe was about four billion years old, or 30 percent of its current age, NASA added.

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“At first we hardly believed it, it was much further than the previous farthest star,” said astronomer Brian Welch of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, lead author of an article describing the discovery, which was published in the journal Nature.

“Earendel existed so long ago that it may not have all the same raw materials as the stars around us today,” says Welch.Earendel’s study will be a window into an era of space we do not know, but which has led to everything we know. It’s like reading a really interesting book, but we started the second chapter and now we will be able to see how it all started, “he said.

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The research team estimates that Earendel is at least 50 times larger than the Sun and a million times brighter, thus competing with the most massive stars known. But even such a bright, very massive star would not have been visible at such a great distance without the natural magnification of a huge cluster of galaxies called WHL0137-08, which is located between Earth and Earendel. “The mass of galaxy clusters deforms the structure of the universe, creating a powerful natural magnifying glass that distorts and greatly amplifies light from distant objects behind it,” Welch explained. The brightness of Earendel was thus increased about a thousand times.

Earendel’s discovery is fantastic. The star will have many aspects that we will be able to study, which could keep us busy for years to come, “he said. Bloomberg Guillaume Mahler of the Department of Physics at Durham University and the Center for Extragalactic Astronomy. “This may be the oldest star we’ll ever see since the Big Bang. And it was very surprising that it is so much older than the previously discovered star, nine billion light-years away. At first I didn’t believe it, “he added.


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“It’s like finding the first old photo of your great-grandparents, because these stars are basically our ‘star ancestors.’ The most exciting thing for me is that some of the black holes recently detected by gravitational waves are the remains of stars that lived at the time. I hope Earendel and future similar discoveries will help us understand a little more about the origin of these black holes“Said the scientific director of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Munich and the co-author of the article Selma de Minková.

Video for the discovery of the most distant star in the universe called Earandel so far:

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