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Astronomers have discovered extraterrestrial life

Traces of water and extraterrestrial organic matter were found in a soil sample from the asteroid Itokawa. This was reported by a group of scientists who worked with the samples, they were delivered to the ground by a probe. “Hayabusa”.

Experts are confident that the substances found are of extraterrestrial origin. The 35 million ton asteroid Itokawa crosses the orbits of our planet and Mars.

And another find was reported by the TV channel “Russia 24”… An exoplanet was discovered not far from the Sun, on which there may be life. It was called the “Burning” super-earth.

According to scientists, the composition of the exoplanet is very similar to Earth. But the temperature there is much higher – over 400 degrees Celsius. It remains to be seen whether the local atmosphere is suitable for living.

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