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Astronomers discover Earth-like planet again, is it livable?


Astronomers have found two similar planets Land potentially habitable. This exoplanet or exoplanet is located 16 light-years away and has a similar mass to planet Earth.

The exoplanet was discovered following a collaboration between the ESPRESSO instrument (Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Stable Spectroscopic Observatory) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) installed on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in the Atacama desert region, in northern of Chile, and CARMENES (Calar Alto high-Resolution search for M dwarf with Exoearths with Near-infrared and optical Échelle Spectrographs) at the Calar Alto Observatory in Andalusia, southern Spain.

When the planets named GJ 1002 (GJ 1002b and GJ 1002c) were discovered, they were in their star’s habitable zone.

The conditions are defined as a shell around the star that is neither too hot nor too cold to support water, an essential element for life.

“Nature seems determined to show us that Earth-like planets are (now) very common,” said study author Alejandro Suárez Mascareño of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC) quoted by Space.com.

“With these two (planets) we now know that there are seven (Earth clones) in the planetary system that are quite close to the Sun,” he added.

Artificial planet Land It’s in the Living Zone, but…

Researchers agree that the criteria for a suitable planet to live on must be greater in order to support geological activity and lead to the evolution of living things.

In this case, even though GJ 1002 (GJ 1002b and GJ 1002c) is supported by water and is in the habitable zone, it is still no guarantee that it can support life.

For example, in our solar system, Venus and Mars are in the habitable zone of the Sun. But right now both cannot support life.

Because GJ 1002 is a relatively cool red dwarf, its habitable zone is much closer than Earth is to the Sun.

About Artificial Terrestrial Planets: GJ 1002b and GJ 1002c

The planet, called GJ 1002b, takes about 10 days to orbit the star, while the planet, GJ 1002c, completes one orbit in 21 days.

“GJ 1002 is a red dwarf star, with a mass nearly one-eighth that of the Sun. The star is quite cool and dim. This means that its habitable zone is very close to the star,” said another lead author of the study. IAC, Vera Maria. Passengers.

The proximity of the two planets a Land indicating that they could be excellent targets for astronomers wishing to study the atmospheres of Earth-like planets outside our solar system.

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