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Astrological Predictions and Propaganda in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

It is futile to ask how the Russians do not understand how bad it is to act as Russia did with its attack on Ukraine. They completely agree that they are really bad, dishonest, villainous, treacherous, etc. is to attack a neighboring country as Ukraine has attacked Russia. It is no argument for them that the war is taking place on the territory of Ukraine and that Russia has even declared part of the territory of Ukraine as its territory. The places of current battles shown on the map prove to them completely different than to us. They give them two arguments for war. First of all, they confirm the power of the Russian army to defeat the Ukrainian invaders in the regions of Voronezh, Kursk, Belgorod and maybe even there so quickly that no one even noticed the Ukrainian attack. This is easily explained by the limited possibilities of people’s perception, that they noticed the war only when Russia had already transferred the war to the former territory of Ukraine. Second, this territory is now Russian territory. Consequently, Ukraine attacks Russia. Thus, Ukraine’s aggressiveness in general has been completely proven and there is not the slightest doubt about Ukraine’s first attack on Russia, which happened in a flash and was defeated even more in a flash.

Opposite thoughts are expressed in one language

To be more precise, we are not talking about all Russians here, but about the Russo-Nazi bubble, which includes not only Russians and whose propaganda does not necessarily have to be expressed in Russian. In the same way, the opinion of the majority of the Ukrainian population is expressed not only in the Ukrainian language, which is confirmed by Ukraine’s ability to resist the aggression of Russia, which is much stronger in terms of people and weapons, money and political influence, for a year and a half now.

What has been said does not mean attributing miraculous powers to Ukrainians. Their will alone would not be enough if many countries were not excited to help them, at least according to a very primitive calculation, that it is better to slow down Russian aggression in a foreign territory at the expense of human and material victims of another nation. Thus, in terms of national composition, a much more diverse group of people is involved practically or only emotionally in the Ukrainian struggle against the Russian invaders. There are noticeably many Russians in it, and they give the Russian language as one of those with the help of which the fight against Russian Nazism, or Putin’s regime ruling in Russia, is coordinated.

Who will be hanged in the planetary nooses?

This time, let’s see what the second half of the year has to say about the propaganda section of the Russian-Nazi bubble, decorated with astrological terms, etc. accessories. At the beginning of this year, we noted that both Russia and Ukraine have provided themselves with astrologers and numerologists, fortunetellers, magicians and clairvoyants, who announce the victory of their side soon or even very soon during the year 2023 that lies ahead at that time. Now the year is already well over half and we can start to study in which part the set of predictions expressed at least partially matches what actually happened in the foreseeable past. A week ago, it was necessary to note the failed attempt to achieve the death of the Russian dictator, the main culprit of Russian aggression, Putin, half by calculation, half by magic, this spring or at least in August of this year. Although August has not ended, the magician mentioned at the beginning of the year managed to abandon his claims and postpone Putin’s death to the very end of the year. Now let’s compare the words of Konstantin Daragan, a Russian Nazi propagandist posing as an astrologer, with reality. At the beginning of the year, “Neatkarīga” mentioned him in the February 4 publication “How astrology serves Russian Nazism” with a reference to his Internet appearance in a duet with the same propagandist Pavel Andreyev. This particular video performance has now been removed from the web, although other performances of theirs made around the same time and making very similar claims remain available.

The duet of K. Daragan and P. Andreyev was taken from the huge Russian-Nazi propaganda block decorated not only in general, but specifically with astral means of expression, as an example of mirror images produced by Russian and Ukrainian propaganda. If some promised that the trajectories of the planets passing through the constellations would create loops that would put Putin to sleep, others applied the same to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. Here’s what the relevant excerpt looks like from the February 4 publication: “’What’s supposed to happen in April?’ the rhetorical question was asked and answered by Pavel Andreev: “This is an extremely extreme point. What’s going on now has to change or stop in April. Maybe it will be an anti-terrorist operation, maybe a story about partisans.” The phrases, as you can see, are quite vague and can be translated with reservations, but all the speeches in general sound like redirecting death threats from Putin…” “I do not expect any changes in the conduct of the war before the period from March 1 to 10. Next, big changes follow each other. Totally agree about April. We’ll see what happens in May and June when Pluto looks into Aquarius,” said K. Daragan.”

Another astrologer turns out to be a fraud

Who now remembers the period between March 1 and 10 this year? And April, and May, and June? While they were still ahead, millions of people (if we believe the indications attached to the media publications of these and other future narrators about the number of views in the hundreds of thousands) breathed and panted that this will be so, so it will be. But time passed and nothing decisive and significant emerged from the smoke of the battles; or emerged but will only become comprehensible retroactively.

Among the available materials, K. Daragan’s dedication to the anniversary of Russia’s attack on February 24 of this year (Прямой еферия 24 февраля 2023. Год СВО.) should be noted, with the main idea that it was not Russia that attacked Ukraine, but Ukraine – Russia. It is one of the mainstays of Russian propaganda, but K. Daragan’s acting skills and the skills of stringing words in the style of a professional hypnotist must be taken into account in order to convict this war criminal.

In the material of February 24, he weaves a reference to his biography, that he came from Donbass and will initially make a prominent place among Ukrainian astrologers. In this connection, Augusts Voss (1919 (?) – 1994), born in a Latvian family who came to Siberia, who built his entire career on hating Latvians comes to mind.

Regarding the future, P. Daragan has the ability to foretell in such a way as to mostly avoid saying anything that could be checked for fulfillment or non-fulfillment. However, he fell in with two things.

First of all, with the fact that already in February, the cursing between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the commander of the fictitious private army “Wagner” Yevgeny Prigozhin was equated to a conflict between two departments of the same ministry, which is mentioned only because the parties violated the rule not to disclose such relations to the public. You don’t have to be an astrologer to know that state institutions are constantly at loggerheads with each other, but his claims to an astrologer’s skills did not help him predict that the conflict would turn into the advance of Prigozhin’s units on Moscow and Putin’s TV calls for help against a coup d’état. Well, yes, “we’ll see what happens in May and June when Pluto looks into Aquarius,” he had said earlier, but his commitment to looking at something did neither the organizers nor the oppressors of the June coup.

Next, K. Daragan mentioned the Russian ruble/US dollar exchange corridor for this year of 70-90 rubles per dollar, but in reality the dollar has already been worth a little over 100 rubles officially and according to stories it is much more expensive in illegal cash transactions.

Americans and Western Europeans are no longer at war

It is safer not to wonder whether the authors or the censors have exterminated the video publication used by “Neatskarīgas”, of which only a confirmation of its title and appearance on December 29, 2022 remains on the web. The “independent” preserved records show a contradiction unacceptable to a normal mind in the statements about the attack of Ukraine on Russia organized by Americans & Co. on the one hand and the description of Americans & Co. by the words of P. Andreyev, with whom I must completely agree: “Especially the people of the golden billion are not in the habit of dying for their motherland. LGBT will not come to us with rifles. US citizens who don’t want to work will even less allow themselves to be sent to war, and no Biden will ever mobilize them. Likewise, Europeans who have lived in prosperity for many decades and have not held a rifle in their hands will do nothing.” And also like this: “It should be taken into account that they don’t want to go to war. That is, for nothing the irresponsible politicians would like, but the generals and soldiers don’t. If they had a lot of people – a lot of young people capable of carrying weapons and also a lot of money, then they would come and grind us into flour. But considering that they are lazy, many also stupid and now poor, it will be a big question” [vai viņi karos].

If anything definite can be said about the course of the war this year, it is a confirmation that they are not at war in principle – not even against such an easily defeated enemy as Russia is now. But in that case, there was no way that the USA would have incited Ukraine to attack Russia at a time when the whole world believed in the fable about the Russian army as the “second strongest in the world”. The Americans would not send them to such a war, nor would the Ukrainians go to war.

It is quite natural to conflate Russia’s 2014 and 2022 attacks on Ukraine as a hundred years since the saying “Untergang des Abendlandes” was launched into the world. So, the prediction of the collapse of Western Europe and the US, which broke away from it, within the next 300 years. The current war in Ukraine shows that the demise schedule is being accelerated, not delayed. Russia attacked, not because she was threatened, but because she would not miss her part in the redistribution of Europe in competition with China, India, Turkey, or any of the somewhat large Arab or African countries with an adventurous leader.

Of course, before and without the Russian attack, we would not be as smart as we are now. Then we wouldn’t know about Russia’s weakness, nor about the complete powerlessness of Ukraine’s allies, which is confirmed by Ukrainian spokesman Oleksiy Arestovych’s formula “Ukraine must not lose, but Russia must not lose” that was just handed over to “Independent” by the US & Co. That is, let everything remain as it is, as it is. The United States and Western European countries recognize their inability to maintain their place in the world if it were to change significantly. The politicians in these countries represent voters who also think that the whole world will freeze along with the front line in Ukraine if another cease-fire is imposed on it. Russia.

In order to at least somehow clear the battlefields of Ukraine, Russia is forced to mobilize its citizens with stories about the threats posed by Western countries in the person of its NATO bloc. For the time being, we have to abandon the previous story that taking control of Western Europe is a trivial matter, because the Western Europeans gathered in their gay and lesbian clubs will not notice it at all.

2023-08-20 02:15:31
#RussoNazi #bubble #bravado #replaced #tales #danger

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