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Astrological Horoscope Predictions for Upcoming Full Moon – A Guide to Your Future Success

Looking the truth in the eye will be pleasant for the individuals whose words come across, because the legitimacy of their claims, warnings, etc. will be confirmed. On the contrary, it will be embarrassing for people who find out that they were mistaken, and very harsh for those who purposefully lied, claimed delusions or they promised something they knew in advance they couldn’t deliver. Additionally, during the full moon, a T-square planetary configuration will be formed, with Saturn at its apex. He is, among other things, a “guardian of the borders”, so he will check the settings in the sense of border versus freedom and liberty. And that primarily in communication, i.e. how you talk to others and how representatives of society discuss with the world, as well as physical borders according to the saying: “The freedom of one ends where the freedom of another begins.” It cannot therefore be ruled out that where borders were once abolished , will be reintroduced, or their protection will be renewed or intensified.

Full moons are the center of the lunar cycle, they bring important endings and their meaning is valid until the new moon, which is roughly 14 days. What and how it will take place is revealed by its ruler, which this time will be Mercury. It will be close to the star Lesath at any given moment, which clearly indicates a precise gathering of information, and if a fault is discovered, an imaginary witch hunt will ensue. On the other hand, all available means of redress are used when injustice is discovered. It must be added that the name of the spectroscopic binary star Lesath loosely translates to “poisonous sting”, and Mercury by its side will be in an inharmonious link with Neptune (quadrate), which indicates poisoning or viruses. Therefore, check the quality of food much more, strengthen your immunity and, given that even toxic people can poison you, stay away from individuals who thrive on inducing fear and spreading stress, simply those who spoil your mood with strange words every time you meet.

Beran (21. 3. – 20. 4.)

If you have submitted an application for the conversion of a car, a building permit, or are waiting to hear whether the authorities will approve your company and approve a public project, you will finally get an answer. And it will be positive. This also applies to any appeal against a court judgment or a decision on an offence. Since you will stand out with brilliant eloquence, go back to the times when you tried in vain to talk your neighbors or relatives into something. This time you will convince them. Better not travel on the weekend, but rest. Your horoscope indicates an unpleasant experience that would upset your nerves next week.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

A financial boom awaits individuals who follow the saying: “There is no cake without work.” Favorable changes concern both employees and entrepreneurs. If you do not have a regular income or your salary does not correspond to your commitment or education, you will have the opportunity to change this situation and thus stabilize your financial area. If you’re arguing over property after a divorce or business split, you’ll finally get what’s rightfully yours. Stay away from people and seminars that promise spiritual development, connection with other worlds and the like. Because you could fall into the clutches of a sect and it would not be easy at all to get out of this servitude.

Photo: Roman Samborskyi, Shutterstock.com

The stars will help you find a place, profession or business direction so that you finally feel needed and satisfied. It’s up to you whether you take advantage of this chance Photo: Roman Samborskyi, Shutterstock.com

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

How you’ve been doing for the last six months is what the full moon will reveal to you. Most of the time, you will arrive victoriously at the set destination, and where you fumble or have disputes with someone, including your significant other, you will be given space for discussions and clarification of the situation. Matters that made your life miserable will generally be closed, as well as actions that you planned but postponed their implementation for objective reasons. Take control of your public speaking this weekend. You will have a tendency to joke, but the horoscope indicates that someone would take it as an insult and actually become your enemy for nothing.

Rak (22. 6. – 22. 7.)

The purpose of this full moon is for you to clarify what is stressing you and to get rid of that psychological ballast. In particular, stop taking it to heart that someone talks badly about you behind your back. It will be enough to remember the saying: “A person is not born to be liked by all people.” Thanks to this, you will not be thrown off by gossip for at least the next six months, rather you will smile under your breath, because even bad advertising is simply advertising. You’ll even become so confident that you won’t even be nervous about the chaos you’ll face on the weekend. You can solve it in complete peace and still have time to make jokes.

Lev (23. 7. – 22. 8.)

The full moon will give you an excuse to make, from the point of view of others, a rather crazy decision, and the one who starts talking you out of the action will symbolically bite his tongue. The Moon shining in the sign of Gemini will give you not only courage, but also logical thinking, so you will consider risks and plan every step. It just turns out great in the finale. Individuals who cannot start a family for any reason and have requested guardianship will finally see it. In order not to be angry with yourself at the weekend and to avoid unpleasant embarrassment, do not advise people a generation younger. The horoscope suggests that you confuse concepts with impressions.

Photo: fizkes, Shutterstock.com

It may seem that you decided to do a surprising deed suddenly and for a ridiculous reason. Anyway, the decision has been brewing in you for a long time and the full moon brought it to light Photo: fizkes, Shutterstock.com

Panna (23. 8. – 22. 9.)

In your horoscope sector, which personifies the “spotlight” in addition to public reputation, the Moon will shine in full force. This usually portends career or work success, public recognition, an honorary degree, simply all positive things, so you have something to look forward to. But it can also mean a compliment from a person who until now has only criticized you, which mainly concerns the parents of your significant other. But be very careful when signing the lease and documents related to your property or housing. Planetary constellations indicate that someone will try to take you on a stick.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Luck smiles on you in auditions and exams, you may even get a degree. Individuals aspiring to work in the media and tourism industries and dog handlers should read the classifieds. In this way, they find a person who will take them under their wing. If you have a long-distance relationship, you and your significant other will clarify where you will live together, and everything indicates that you will unanimously decide to live abroad. On the weekend, be careful with your words and don’t get involved in arguments. Because you would take it as an opportunity to settle scores with someone, but in the end, those quarreling would unite against you, it would just turn out differently than you intended.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Where you have been vacillating between two options for a long time, you will find yourself under enormous pressure to finally make a decision. But it will be perfectly timed. This week, you will see everything from all possible angles, and you will have an infallible intuition, so you will choose the best option, which applies to all areas of your life. If you have a negotiated deal, you will successfully complete it. Only your estimation of people will be poor on the weekend, so be extremely careful when shopping, especially if you find yourself in a crowd in the markets, you could become a prey to pickpockets.

Photo: Jacob Lund, Shutterstock.com

Třeplenice is an ideal place for the poor to rob you of your wallet. However, the horoscope urges you to beware of those who can rob you even from a distance Photo: Jacob Lund, Shutterstock.com

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

The full moon opposite your sign is an annual opportunity to review interpersonal relationships and say goodbye to those with whom you no longer have anything to say because you can’t even agree on banality. Leave the individuals with whom, as many times in the past, you get stuck on something trivial, to their fate. Soon, the conversations leading nowhere would turn you into a ball of nerves, and you really don’t need that. If you’ve been enjoying a free relationship until now, you just didn’t want to commit, you’ll change your mind and decide to stick your head in, which mainly applies to those born around November 28.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

If you intend to change jobs, you will find employment according to your wishes. Individuals working on a project or larger order will bring everything to the final stage, perhaps even ahead of schedule. But the physical mailbox will issue you a symbolic account. When you get sick, take it on the bright side, because the horoscope indicates that in such a case you will get to the care of doctors in time so that the disease does not turn into a chronic form. Towards the end of the week, follow the saying: “Speak silver, silence gold.” Otherwise, you will speak out unverified information and create a problem with your neighbors or relatives.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)

People who have broken hearts recover. The full moon starts the process of emotional healing, and it can even be predicted that they will fall head over heels in love. A spectacular change will also occur in the life of those engaged, which can be, for example, the news of the conception of a child, and if they have children, they will discover that a great talent lies dormant in them, and they will be proud as parents. When you start to feel like someone is lying to you over the weekend, trust your instincts. Otherwise, you will voluntarily make a fool of yourself, because someone will fool you with cheap talk and, on top of that, they will lose a lot of money.

Pisces (February 21 – March 20)

Family relationships should be a priority for you. So settle any disputes, because you won’t get another chance this year. If you live in a rental, the contract will probably be renewed, on the other hand, if you share a sublet, it is possible that you will say goodbye to one roommate. Those who are building a family nest will finally learn the date of approval. At the end of the week, don’t get carried away by gossip, control yourself and don’t react to nasty talk. This will be a very stupid attempt to tarnish your personal or professional reputation, which will ultimately backfire on the gossip maker.

Don’t forget that December 3rd is the first Sunday of Advent, called Iron Sunday. So after dark on the Advent wreath, light the first purple candle of the prophets symbolizing hope.

2023-11-27 04:04:08
#Weekly #horoscope #Gemini #clash #jokes #Libra #succeed #exams #Sagittarius #marriage #Proženy.cz

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